지역사회 건강증진 간호활동의 프로그램 개발

The Program Development of Nursing Activities for Community Health Promotion

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


Health promotion has come to the fore through new concept approach in consequence of the increase of chronic diseases. increase of medical cost and social trend of putting more emphasis on the individual responsibility for health. Studies of health promotion can be classified into two types: one is micro intervention method which is mainly focused on modifying individual life style and the other. macro intervention method in which they put another emphasis on the environment the individual is surrounded. in addition to modifying individual life style. This study belongs to the later. This study aims to develop nursing activities and program it for the purpose of community health promotion. The process of the study can be briefed as follows: to draw out nursing contents to intervene for community health promotion: to promote community health to develop nursing action indicators; to develop nursing action indicators for the development of main nursing activities. And those developed nursing activities are programmed systematically. The community health promotion program is composed of a hierarchical structure with nursing process that the nurses are supposed to apply to perform professional nursing. the level of nursing perform. the main items of nursing process. health promotion nursing indicators. health promotion nursing activities. The conclusion of this study according to objectives are as follows. First. community health promotion contents at individual and community level are remained revised and complemented and those at organizational level are developed. The developed main contents of community health promotion nursing are as follows. 1) Revised individual level nursing contents: 35 items. 2) Developed organizational level nursing contents: 24 items. 3) Revised community level nursing contents: 36 items. Second. for the development of the health promotion nursing action indicators. principles were set up and applied as follows. 1. Developed indicators should be provided with such qualities as comprehensiveness. diversity. developability, availability. practicability. 2. Developed indicators should be provided with functional abilities to measure the conditions and changes in any phenomena or state. inspect the development of the states. control the implementing program. evaluate the result of program and grasp what nurses should do. 3. Developed indicators should be provided with relevance and sequence. 4. Developed indicators should be undergo inspections from the expert. The developed community health promotion action indicators developed in this study. observing above mentioned principles. are total 330 indicators of 95 items. Third. when the main nursing activities were developed for each nursing action indicator. five priciples were set up in accordance with each nursing action indicators to decide main nursing activities. Main nursing activities developed observing those principles. are total 1273. Forth. for the programming of the developed nursing activities. three principles were set up. 1. The nursing activities are systematized in line with (nursing process) (nursing client) (key items of nursing process) (nursing action indicators for health promotion) (nursing activities). 2. The program is constructed in downward and hierarchical order. 3. The program is constructed not in relation to same level activities but in relation to high and low level activities. The process step of programming of developed main health promotion nursing activities are; Step 1. The Developed nursing action indicators are classified into nursing process. Step 2. The main nursing activities are allocated per each nursing action indicators. Step 3. The statement of main nursing activities are inspected. Step 4. The items of main nursing activities allocated by a certain nursing action indicators are sequenced. taking into consideration the elaborateness of activity. the sequency of activity. familiarity of activity. the difficulty of activity. the interest of activity. the frequency of activity. Step 5. The whole developed program should undergo comprehensive and critical inspections.
