Mitigation of motions of tall buildings with specific examples of recent applications

  • Kareem, Ahsan (NatHaz Modeling Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame) ;
  • Kijewski, Tracy (NatHaz Modeling Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame) ;
  • Tamura, Yukio (Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.25


Flexible structures may experience excessive levels of vibration under the action of wind, adversely affecting serviceability and occupant comfort. To ensure the functional performance of a structure, various design modifications are possible, ranging from alternative structural systems to the utilization of passive and active control devices. This paper presents an overview of state-of-the-art measures that reduce the structural response of buildings, including a summary of recent work in aerodynamic tailoring and a discussion of auxiliary damping devices for mitigating the wind-induced motion of structures. In addition, some discussion of the application of such devices to improve structural resistance to seismic events is also presented, concluding with detailed examples of the application of auxiliary damping devices in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, and the United States.



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  33. Extended Kalman filter for modal identification of structures equipped with a pendulum tuned mass damper vol.333, pp.23, 2014,
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  35. Numerical Investigation on Surge Motion of a Rectangular Floating Body due to Inner Sloshing Phenomena vol.23, pp.7, 2013,
  36. Simulation of the Wind Effect on an Ensemble of High-Rise Buildings by means of Multiblock Computational Technologies vol.87, pp.1, 2014,
  37. Characterization and design of tuned liquid dampers with floating roof considering arbitrary tank cross-sections vol.368, 2016,
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  39. Wind and earthquake dynamic responses of fire-exposed steel framed structures vol.78, 2015,
  40. Seismic Response Control of Adjacent Buildings Using Shared Tuned Mass Damper vol.14, pp.3, 2014,
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  42. Kinematically excited parametric vibration of a tall building model with a TMD—Part 1: Numerical analyses vol.14, pp.1, 2014,
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  44. Structural control and biomechanical tremor suppression: Comparison between different types of passive absorber 2017,
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  47. A Family of Efficient Sloshing Liquid Dampers for Suppression of Wind-Induced Instabilities vol.9, pp.3-4, 2003,
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  49. Mechanical energy dissipation induced by sloshing and wave breaking in a fully coupled angular motion system. I. Theoretical formulation and numerical investigation vol.26, pp.3, 2014,
  50. Adaptive Compensation for Detuning in Pendulum Tuned Mass Dampers vol.137, pp.2, 2011,
  51. Real-time model predictive control of structures under earthquakes vol.30, pp.7, 2001,
  52. Use of TLD and MTLD for control of wind-induced vibration of tall buildings vol.20, pp.9, 2006,
  53. Output-only de-tuning assessment of tuned mass dampers vol.3, pp.1, 2013,
  54. An efficient liquid sloshing damper for control of wind-induced instabilities vol.90, pp.12-15, 2002,
  55. Sloshing motions in excited tanks vol.196, pp.1, 2004,
  56. Aerodynamic optimization of super-tall buildings and its effectiveness assessment vol.130, 2014,
  57. Time–frequency analysis of structural dynamic characteristics of tall buildings vol.11, pp.8, 2015,
  58. Dynamic simulation of unrestrained interlocking Tuned Liquid Damper blocks vol.144, 2017,
  59. Model Predictive Control of Structures under Earthquakes using Acceleration Feedback vol.128, pp.5, 2002,
  60. Structural Analysis using Equivalent Models of Active Control Devices vol.25, pp.4, 2012,
  61. Aerodynamic mitigation of wind-induced uplift forces on low-rise buildings: A comparative study vol.5, 2016,
  62. Wind-induced responses of a tall building with a double-skin façade system vol.168, 2017,
  63. Optimal tuned mass-damper-inerter (TMDI) design for seismically excited MDOF structures with model uncertainties based on reliability criteria vol.25, pp.2, 2018,
  64. Optimum design of the tuned mass-damper-inerter for serviceability limit state performance in wind-excited tall buildings vol.199, 2017,
  65. Semi-active tuned liquid column dampers for vibration control of structures vol.23, pp.11, 2001,
  66. Reducing Acceleration Response of a SDOF Structure with a Bi-Directional Liquid Damper vol.14, 2011,
  67. Efficiency of TLDs with bottom-mounted baffles in suppression of structural responses when subjected to harmonic excitations vol.60, pp.1, 2016,
  68. Liquid moment amplitude assessment in sloshing type problems with smooth particle hydrodynamics vol.33, pp.11-12, 2006,
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  70. Mathematical Model for Design of Mass Dampers for Wind Excited Structures vol.128, pp.9, 2002,
  71. Estimation of Structural Modal Parameters under Winds Using a Virtual Dynamic Shaker vol.144, pp.4, 2018,
  72. Pitch motion mitigation of spar-type floating substructure for offshore wind turbine using multilayer tuned liquid damper vol.116, 2016,
  73. Wind-induced response control and serviceability improvement of an air traffic control tower vol.28, pp.7, 2006,
  74. Active displacement control of a wind-exposed mast vol.14, pp.4, 2007,
  75. Simultaneous energy harvesting and vibration control of structures with tuned mass dampers vol.23, pp.18, 2012,
  76. Hammerstein–Wiener based reduced-order model for vortex-induced non-linear fluid–structure interaction vol.33, pp.2, 2017,
  77. Simulation of sloshing motions in fixed and vertically excited containers using a 2-D inviscid σ-transformed finite difference solver vol.18, pp.2, 2003,
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  79. Optimisation using smoothed particle hydrodynamics with volume-based geometry control vol.56, pp.6, 2017,
  80. Vibration control in smart coupled beams subjected to pulse excitations vol.380, 2016,
  81. Mitigation of wind-induced motion of Milad Tower by tuned mass damper vol.18, pp.4, 2009,
  82. Integrated wind-induced response analysis and design optimization of tall steel buildings using Micro-GA vol.20, pp.8, 2011,
  83. Advances in Smart Technologies in Structural Engineering vol.50, pp.11, 2005,
  84. Enhancing wind performance of tall buildings using corner aerodynamic optimization vol.136, 2017,
  85. Distributed Tuned Mass Dampers for Multi-Mode Control of Benchmark Building under Seismic Excitations 2017,
  86. Hybrid Time-Frequency Blind Source Separation Towards Ambient System Identification of Structures vol.27, pp.5, 2012,
  87. Effects of TLCD with maneuverable flaps on vibration control of a SDOF structure vol.52, pp.6, 2017,
  88. Control of the earthquake and wind dynamic response of steel-framed buildings by using additional braces and/or viscoelastic dampers vol.40, pp.2, 2011,
  89. Energy-decomposition analysis for viscous free-surface flows vol.92, pp.5, 2015,
  90. An investigation of tuned liquid dampers equipped with damping screens under 2D excitation vol.34, pp.7, 2005,
  91. Framework for structural damping predictor models based on stick-slip mechanism for use in wind-resistant design of buildings vol.117, 2013,
  92. An analysis of screen arrangements for a tuned liquid damper vol.34, 2012,
  93. Data-based hybrid reduced order modeling for vortex-induced nonlinear fluid–structure interaction at low Reynolds numbers vol.44, 2014,
  94. Wind-induced excitation control of a tall building with tuned mass dampers vol.17, pp.3, 2008,
  95. Technical Note: Active and Semi-Active Strategies to Control Building Structures Under Large Earthquake Motion vol.19, pp.7, 2015,
  96. Aerodynamic Mitigation and Shape Optimization of Buildings: Review vol.6, 2016,
  97. Large-scale vibration energy harvesting vol.24, pp.11, 2013,
  98. Mitigation of human-induced lateral vibrations on footbridges through walkway shaping vol.56, 2013,
  99. Application of a Translational Tuned Mass Damper Designed by Means of Genetic Algorithms on a Multistory Cross-Laminated Timber Building vol.142, pp.4, 2016,
  100. Performance of Tuned Liquid Dampers vol.134, pp.5, 2008,
  101. Numerical investigation on the drag reduction properties of a suction controlled high-rise building vol.11, pp.7, 2010,
  102. A simplified model for analysis of high-rise buildings equipped with hysteresis damped outriggers vol.23, pp.15, 2014,
  103. State of the Art of Structural Control vol.129, pp.7, 2003,
  104. Re-tuning tuned mass dampers using ambient vibration measurements vol.19, pp.11, 2010,
  105. Inelastic responses of wind-excited tall buildings: Improved estimation and understanding by statistical linearization approaches vol.159, 2018,
  106. Fast vision-based wave height measurement for dynamic characterization of tuned liquid column dampers vol.89, 2016,
  107. Attenuation of a linear oscillator using a nonlinear and a semi-active tuned mass damper in series vol.332, pp.1, 2013,
  108. Modal-space reference-model-tracking fuzzy control of earthquake excited structures vol.334, 2015,
  109. Investigations on the performance of a liquid column damper (LCD) with different orifice diameter ratios vol.33, pp.5, 2006,
  110. Overhead water tank shapes with depth-independent sloshing frequencies for use as TLDs in buildings vol.25, pp.1, 2018,
  111. Feedback-feedforward control of offshore platforms under random waves vol.30, pp.2, 2001,<213::AID-EQE5>3.0.CO;2-4
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  114. Estimating the added effective damping of SDOF systems incorporating multiple dynamic vibration absorbers with nonlinear damping vol.130, 2017,
  115. Improving aerodynamic performance of tall buildings using Fluid based Aerodynamic Modification vol.133, 2014,
  116. A short note on equal peak design for the pendulum tuned mass dampers vol.231, pp.1, 2017,
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  118. Across-wind responses of an aeroelastic tapered tall building vol.96, pp.8-9, 2008,
  119. Liquid sloshing in a horizontally forced vessel with bottom topography vol.64, 2016,
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  121. Compliant liquid column damper modified by shape memory alloy device for seismic vibration control vol.23, pp.10, 2014,
  122. Equivalent Linearized Mechanical Model for Tuned Liquid Dampers of Arbitrary Tank Shape vol.133, pp.6, 2011,
  123. Numerical Investigation on Motion of the Scale Model of a Floating Wind Turbine Using Multilayer TLDs vol.24, pp.8, 2014,
  124. Wavelet-neuro-fuzzy control of hybrid building-active tuned mass damper system under seismic excitations vol.19, pp.12, 2013,
  125. Passive and active mass damper control of the response of tall buildings to wind gustiness vol.25, pp.9, 2003,
  126. Optimum bracing design under wind load by using topology optimization vol.18, pp.5, 2014,
  127. Aerodynamic Mitigation of Roof and Wall Corner Suctions Using Simple Architectural Elements vol.139, pp.3, 2013,
  128. A Cyber-Based Data-Enabled Virtual Organization for Wind Load Effects on Civil Infrastructures: VORTEX-Winds vol.3, 2017,
  129. Application of Special Granular Structures for semi-active damping of lateral beam vibrations vol.65, 2014,
  130. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation of a tuned liquid damper vol.48, pp.sup1, 2010,
  131. Free Vibration Analysis of Frame-Core Tube Structures Attached with Damped Outriggers vol.238, pp.1662-7482, 2012,
  132. Dual-Functional Energy-Harvesting and Vibration Control: Electromagnetic Resonant Shunt Series Tuned Mass Dampers vol.135, pp.5, 2013,
  133. Mitigation of Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Pivoted Circular Cylinder Using an Adaptive Pendulum Tuned-Mass Damper vol.135, pp.11, 2013,
  134. Fabrication and Experimentation of a Cantilever Beam Based Piezoelectric Actuator and Sensor for Vibration Energy Harvesting vol.592-594, pp.1662-7482, 2014,
  135. Development and Validation of Finite Element Structure-Tuned Liquid Damper System Models vol.137, pp.11, 2015,
  136. An Analytical Study on the Performance of Wind Resistant System Considering Climate Change vol.752-753, pp.1662-7482, 2015,
  137. Passive Vibration Control Based on Embedded Acoustic Black Holes vol.138, pp.4, 2016,
  138. Optimal Tuning and Experimental Verification of Energy-Harvesting Series Electromagnetic Tuned-Mass Dampers vol.138, pp.6, 2016,
  139. Mitigation of Wind-Induced Vibration of a 600m High Skyscraper pp.1793-6764, 2019,
  140. Seismic Energy Assessment of Buildings with Tuned Vibration Absorbers vol.2018, pp.1875-9203, 2018,
  141. Mitigation of human-induced vertical vibrations of footbridges through crowd flow control pp.15452255, 2018,
  142. A semi-active tuned liquid column damper for lateral vibration control of high-rise structures: Theory and experimental verification pp.15452255, 2018,
  143. Bidirectional wind response control of 76-story benchmark building using active mass damper with a rotating actuator vol.25, pp.10, 2018,
  144. Comparison Between Performance of a Wireless MEMS Sensor and an ICP Sensor in Shaking Table Tests vol.18, pp.4, 2018,
  145. The Role of Belt Wall in Minimizing The Response Due To Wind Load vol.266, pp.2261-236X, 2019,
  146. Frequency-independent hysteretic dampers for mitigating wind-induced vibrations of tall buildings pp.15452255, 2019,
  147. Effects of corner cuts and angles of attack on the Strouhal number of rectangular cylinders vol.6, pp.2, 1999,
  148. 다양한 하중의 진동제어를 위한 준능동 TMD의 이용 vol.10, pp.1, 1999,
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  150. 준능동 TMD를 이용한 메가골조구조물의 진동제어 vol.11, pp.2, 2007,
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  152. Effects of taper and set-back on wind force and wind-induced response of tall buildings vol.13, pp.6, 1999,
  153. Reliability of structures with tuned mass dampers under wind-induced motion: a serviceability consideration vol.14, pp.2, 2011,
  154. Optimal shape of LCVA for vibration control of structures subjected to along wind excitation vol.10, pp.6, 1999,
  155. Practical estimation of veering effects on high-rise structures: a database-assisted design approach vol.15, pp.5, 1999,
  156. Wind-Induced Motion of Tall Buildings: Designing for Occupant Comfort vol.4, pp.1, 2015,
  157. Seismic control of structures using sloped bottom tuned liquid dampers vol.64, pp.2, 2017,
  158. 빌딩간 연결을 통한 복합제어시스템의 최적설계 vol.32, pp.6, 1999,
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  160. Softening and hardening tuned mass dampers vol.14, pp.5, 1999,
  161. Structural health monitoring of single degree of freedom flexible structure having active mass damper under seismic load vol.3, pp.1, 2018,
  162. Seismic performance evaluation of steel frame structures equipped with tuned liquid dampers vol.19, pp.8, 1999,
  163. Technology Leveraging for Infrastructure Asset Management: Challenges and Opportunities vol.5, pp.None, 2019,
  164. Frequency Domain State Space-Based Mode Decomposition Framework vol.145, pp.7, 1999,
  165. A state space technique for modal identification of coupled structure-tuned mass damper systems from vibration measurement vol.22, pp.9, 2019,
  166. Dynamic Response Control of a Wind-Excited Tall Building with Distributed Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers vol.19, pp.6, 1999,
  167. Seismic vulnerability of a non-linear building with distributed multiple tuned vibration absorbers vol.15, pp.8, 1999,
  168. Technological Advances and Trends in Modern High-Rise Buildings vol.9, pp.9, 1999,
  169. Technological Advances in Japan’s High-Rise Buildings vol.18, pp.2, 1999,
  170. Shape Effects on Aerodynamic and Pedestrian-level Wind Characteristics and Optimization for Tall and Super-Tall Building Design vol.8, pp.4, 1999,
  171. Wind-Induced Response Control of High-Rise Buildings Using Inerter-Based Vibration Absorbers vol.9, pp.23, 1999,
  172. Exploratory study on wind-adaptable design for super-tall buildings vol.29, pp.6, 1999,
  173. Wind-induced responses and dynamic characteristics of a super-tall building under a typhoon event vol.25, pp.1, 2020,
  174. Real-Time Aeroelastic Hybrid Simulation of a Base-Pivoting Building Model in a Wind Tunnel vol.6, pp.None, 2020,
  175. Numerical and experimental research on actuator forces in toggled active vibration control system (Part I: Numerical) vol.25, pp.2, 2020,
  176. Life-cycle-cost optimization for the wind load design of tall buildings equipped with TMDs vol.30, pp.4, 1999,
  177. Damping estimation using enhanced virtual dynamic shaker: A web‐enabled framework vol.35, pp.8, 1999,
  178. Monitoring of a Tall Building Equipped with an Efficient Multiple-Tuned Sloshing Damper System vol.25, pp.3, 1999,
  179. Performance-based wind design of tall buildings: concepts, frameworks, and opportunities vol.31, pp.2, 2020,
  180. Parametric optimization of an inerter-based vibration absorber for wind-induced vibration mitigation of a tall building vol.31, pp.3, 2020,
  181. Dynamic Response of Tall Mass-Timber Buildings to Wind Excitation vol.146, pp.10, 1999,
  182. Optimal structural control of tall buildings using tuned mass dampers via chaotic optimization algorithm vol.28, pp.None, 1999,
  183. Multiple-Surrogate Models for Probabilistic Performance Assessment of Wind-Excited Tall Buildings under Uncertainties vol.6, pp.4, 1999,
  184. Top-Story Softening for Enhanced Mitigation of Vortex Shedding-Induced Vibrations in Wind-Excited Tuned Mass Damper Inerter-Equipped Tall Buildings vol.147, pp.1, 2021,
  185. Field measurement-based wind-induced response analysis of multi-tower building with tuned mass damper vol.32, pp.2, 1999,
  186. A shape memory alloy-tuned mass damper inerter system for passive control of linked-SDOF structural systems under seismic excitation vol.494, pp.None, 1999,
  187. Wind engineering for high-rise buildings: A review vol.32, pp.3, 1999,
  188. Pressurized Sand Damper for Earthquake and Wind Engineering: Design, Testing, and Characterization vol.147, pp.4, 1999,
  189. Multi-objective shape optimization of tall buildings considering profitability and multidirectional wind-induced accelerations using CFD, surrogates, and the reduced basis approach vol.32, pp.4, 1999,
  190. Adaptation of a Deep Liquid-Containing Tank into an Effective Structural Vibration Control Device by a Submerged Cylindrical Pendulum Appendage vol.21, pp.6, 1999,
  191. LES study of windward-face-mounted-ribs’ effects on flow fields and aerodynamic forces on a square cylinder vol.200, pp.None, 2021,
  192. Tuned Sloshing Dampers in Tall Buildings: A Practical Performance-Based Design Approach vol.26, pp.3, 1999,
  193. An equivalent mechanical model with nonlinear damping for sloshing rectangular tank with porous media vol.242, pp.None, 1999,
  194. Multipoint Wave Measurement in Tuned Liquid Damper Using Laser Doppler Vibrometer and Stepwise Rotating Galvanometer Scanner vol.21, pp.24, 1999,
  195. Reduction of wind loads on rectangular tall buildings with different taper ratios vol.45, pp.None, 2022,
  196. Control performance of active tuned mass damper for mitigating wind-induced vibrations of a 600-m-tall skyscraper vol.45, pp.None, 1999,
  197. Risk-Informed Design Optimization of Vertically Distributed Tuned Liquid Wall Dampers for Multihazard Mitigation vol.148, pp.3, 1999,