가스 및 유기용제용 호흡보호구의 정화통에 대한 수명예측방법의 정확도 및 타당성 검증연구

Study on Accuracy and Validity Tests for Various Prediction Models for Gas and Vapor Respirator Cartridge Service Lives

  • 박두용 (한성대학교 산업시스템공학부) ;
  • 박지영 (한성대 안전과학기술연구소) ;
  • 윤충식 (노동환경건강연구소)
  • Park, Doo Yong (Department of Industrial Safety Engineering, Hansung University) ;
  • Park, Ji Young (Center for Safety Science & Technology Institute, Hansung University) ;
  • Yoon, Chung Sik (Wonjin Institute for Environmental and Occupational Health)
  • 발행 : 1999.11.30


Most breakthrough tests are conducted at higher concentration levels compared to those in the field of air-purifying respirator applications. For example, typical challenge concentrations for breakthrough tests agains tcarbon tetrachloride are ranged between 250-1000 ppm although applicable concentrations range for air-purifying cartridge is 5-50 ppm for carbon tetrachloride. However, no guarantee has been made that isotherms derived from the experiment at high challenge concentrations could estimate adsorption capacity at the lower concentration range where workers wear usually air-purifying respirators. Three models of adsorption isotherms (Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin/Radushkevich(D/R) isotherms) that have been commonly applied for respirator cartridge testing were evaluated. Adsorption capacity at each challenge concentration was calculated from the Reaction Kinetic equation fitted for the breakthrough data. These data were used for derivation of three isotherms. In general, the D/R isotherm has given the best agreement between estimated adsorption capacities and experimentally measured. If the challenge concentration of 100 ppm is included for derivation of models, Freundlich and D/R models could succes sfully produced good estimations for adsorption capacities at 50 ppm level. Estimated adsorption capacities by both models ranged in 94 - 109 % of the experimentally measured. However, Langmuir model gives underes timation in all cases.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국학술진흥재단