모성자존감 측정도구의 검증

Confirmatory Analysis of Maternal Self-Report Inventory (Maternal Self-Esteem)

  • 발행 : 1999.12.31


This study was conducted to test the reliability and validity of Maternal Self-Report Inventory that was developed by Shea and Tronick for measuring maternal self-esteem. The subjects were 154 mothers. The construct validity for the scale was tested by factor analysis with five factor loading solution based on the previous study. One item was excluded because total-item correlation was too low, so that the number of total items were twenty-five, the analysis yielded five well defined factors: confidence on the maternal role, general ability of maternal role, caretaking ability, readiness on maternal role, and feeling on the pregnancy and deli very. These five factors explained 52.38% of the variance in the maternal self-esteem. Maternal self-esteem was not affected by maternal age, educational level, occupation, religion, delivery type, or parity. The reliability of the scale was determined with Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Guttman split-half coefficient. Cronbach's alpha was .82, for 26 items, and .83 if one item was deleted. Guttman split-half cofficient was .75. In subscale analysis, Cronbach's alpha was .63~.84. In conclusion. Maternal Self-Report Inventory showed a high degree of validity and reliability, suitable in Korean mothers for measuring maternal self-esteem. In the further study, it would be necessary to compare the maternal self-esteem between mothers with normal babies and premature babies, for confirming the criterion-related validity of the inventory.
