三國遺事에 나타난 配偶者 選擇 및 性意識에 관한 연구

A Study on Mate Selection and Sex Consciousness reflected in Samguk Yusa

  • 백경임 (동국대학교 경주캠퍼스 가정교육과) ;
  • 김일명 (한국가족상담교육연구소)
  • Baik, Kyung-Im (Dept. of Home Economics education, Kyongju Campus, Dongguk Univ.) ;
  • Kim, Il-Myung (Korean Institute of Family Counseling and Education)
  • 발행 : 1999.01.01


The purpose of this study is to find how the mate selection and sex consciousness reflected in Samhuk Yusa. We set up the following two questions for aim of this study. First, how are the real aspects and specific characters of mate selection reflected in Samguk Yusa? Second, how are the real aspects and specific characters of sex consciousness reflected in Samguk Yusa? The results can be summarized as follows; 1. Mate selection reflected in Samguk Yusa discussed into two major domains, one is spouse conditions and the other is marriage form. Men and Women are married at teenages, but the greater part of case is unidentified, so in order to approach this we need to analyse other historical documents. In men and women, standard of appearance and personality is difference. Analyzed case about appearance is a few, also we need to analyse other historical materials. More valued personality is wisdom in men, and in women more valued personality is virtue, brightness, graceful and mild. Through in case of to overcome the cultural gabs, the society must be open in every area. The marriage form is diversity, examples, free marriage, a marriage of convenience type, etc. Especially in aspects remarriage of man and woman is free in every class. 2. Sex consciousness reflected in Samguk Yusa discussed into three major domains, first is discussion about sex, second is premarital sexual behavior, third is extramarital. Through the case of discussion about sex is opened so there is not existence double blinded in sexual norms. Also through the case of premarital sexual behavior and extramarital, fidelity ideology does not yet come into existence.
