선박배출 오염물질의 영향을 고려한 부산지역 대기질 모델의 개발

The Development of Air Quality Model Considering Shipping Source in Pusan Region

  • 발행 : 1999.02.01


Air quality modeling about coastal urban region such as Pusan shoud be consider shipping source emmited from ships anchoraging and running. It has been proved at our previous studies that the ratios of air pollutants emission amount in coastal area to inland are 12.2% for NO$_2$ and 11.7% for $SO_2$ and the air qualify of coastal urban area consierably counts on ships. Also the dispersion pattern of the all pollutants followed local circulation system in this region. Therefore this study has been developed air quality model which can describe the formation, transport, transformation and deposition processes of air pollutants considering shipping source. Currently, restriction for emission amount of ships does not exist, so our study will be useful to set the omission standard and for devising air quality policy in coastal urban region.



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