차량 공회전시 배출되는 대기오염물질의 배출 특성

Emission Characteristics of Air Pollutants produced from Idling of Vehicles

  • 이병규 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부) ;
  • 조성웅 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부) ;
  • 나덕재 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부) ;
  • 정혁용 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부) ;
  • 정광륜 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부) ;
  • 이채복 (울산대학교 토목환경공학부)
  • 발행 : 1999.02.01


This study identified concentrations of all pollutants emitted from idling of vehicles such as cars, taxis, trucks, and buses. In this investigation we analyzed concentrations of $SO_2$, NOx, CO, and $CO_2$ omitted from exhaust pipe of vehicles as a function of vehicle type, mileage, exhaust volume, and fuel type using the GreenLine. Compact or light cars, which have relatively low exhaust volume, showed much higher exhaust concentrations of $CO_2$, CO, and NOx than those emitted from vehicles with high exhaust volume. Vehicles using light oil showed much higher exhaust NOx concentrations than those of vehicles using gasoline. Vehicles using LPG and compact cars showed very high exhaust CO concentration compared to other vehicles. NOx exhaust concentrations were increased with increasing the mileage of vehicles.



  1. National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1991, Compiled The American Almanac, 1993-1994, Statistical Abstracts of the United States U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  2. The Air We Breathe. In. Chemistry: An Environmental Perspective Buell, P.E.;J.E. Girard;Buell, P.E.(ed.);J.E. Girard(ed.)
  3. Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach(2nd Ed.) Mobile Sources: An Overview Cooper, C.D.;F.C. Alley;Cooper, C.D.(Eds);F.C. Alley(Eds)
  4. 자동차 배출가스 저감정책에 관한 전문가 토론회 자동차 1,000만대 시대를 대비하는 자동차공해관리 종합대책 환경부
  5. GreenLine transportable gas analyzer operating manual Digitron