‘98-00’ Fashion Trend에 나타난 Hybrid 현상에 관한 고찰

The concept of hybride phenomean is to selected to describe the fashiontrend of ‘98-00’.

  • 정미혜 (부천대학교 디자인계열 패션스타일리스트전공)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


The purpose of this study is to identify the distinctive characterics HYBRID, strictly defined, an offspring that is a cross between different species, genera, or, in rare cases, families, More loosely defined, a hybrid can also be a cross between parents of different subspecies or varieties of a species. Hybrid varieties of plants and animals are of economic value because the hybrid is nearly always more vigorous, larger, and more fertile than either of its parents. Plant and animal hybrids may arise spontaneously in nature or may be produced intentionally by man. Forward-looking fashion explores progress. Adjusting to a world that has integrated genetics and its mutations, the new silhouette seems without references, as if born from a spontaneous generation. A slightly bizarre composite, asymmetrical, discreetly technological aesthetic, it draws on the latest technological details. the pursuit of performance and ergonomics, yet also of comfort and amusement that takes into account the body and its articulations, generates strange garments. Inspired by medical protheses. Focos on fabric touches, their weightiness and surface effects obtained with silicone, rubber or wax. in a range that highlights yellows but can also contrast with colder, slightly surgical hues, the hybrid woman doesn't necessarily want to stand out.
