수학에서의 포스트모던 경향 -퍼지논리를 중심으로

  • 박창균 (서경대학교 응용수학과)
  • Published : 1999.12.01


It can be said that postmodernism shows a tendency to be anti-Descartes in the sense that it criticizes modern rationality which has started from Descartes. This paper suggests the relationship between modernism and postmodernism and that between. traditional Mathematics and fuzzy logic in three aspects, and shows that fuzzy logic tends to be a postmodern science in Mathematics.



  1. The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Paul Ernest
  2. The Dismemerment of Orpheus: Towards a Postmodern Literature(second edition) Ihab Hassan
  3. AMM v.102 no.7 Fresh Breezes in the Philosophy of Mathematics Reuben Hersh
  4. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge J. Lyotard;Geoff Bennington(tr.);Brian Massumi(tr.)
  5. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science v.23 Is a Postmodern Philosophy of Science Possible? Z. Parusnikova
  6. Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy Michael Polayni
  7. Synthese v.30 Fuzzy Logic and Approximated Reasoning L. Zadeh
  8. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Multi-Valued Logic L. Zadeh
  9. Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications(second edition) H. Zimmermann
  10. 현대철학의 반 데카르트적 경향 no.봄 강영안
  11. 주체는 죽었는가 강영안
  12. 퍼지식 사고 바트 코스코;공성곤;이호연(옮김)