교대생과 초등교사의 과학-기술-사회(STS)에 대한 인식도 조사

The Examination of Pre-service and In-service Elementary School Teachers학 Perceptions about Science - Technology -Society(STS).

  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


The purpose of this investigation was to examine and compare pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers' beliefs about Science-Technology-and Society (STS), particularly beliefs about the nature of science and technology, their interaction within society, and the epistemology of science. Large percentage of pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers were understood to perceive as follows : 1. they regarded the science as 〃Knowledge scheme aiming content'and technology as 'skill for solution of actual problems'. 2. they revealed themselves to perceive tat science/ technology influence our lives through new terms and ideas, that science/ technology is affected by governmental policies and that all the people concerned including scientist and technologist should participate in the course of decision making. 3. they perceived that scientist perform their studies by characteristic abilities and that the studies are affected by their religious viewpoint. Moreover, they were understood to perceive that scientific knowledge are constructed through social interaction. 4. they perceived that scientist discover and develop scientific laws by scientific methods such as verification and certification, and that those scientific laws could be changed later.
