- Vet Rec v.140 Incidence of fetal loss in dairy cattle after pregnancy diagnosis using an ultrasound scanner Baxter,S.I.;Ward,W.R.
- Vet Rec v.127 Evaluation of real time B-mode ultrasound scanning for detecting early pregnancy in cows Boyd,J.S.;Omran,S.N.;Ayliffe,T.R.
- Br Vet J v.135 The use of milk progesterone analysis in the study of oestrus detection, hard fertility and embryonic mortality in dairy cows Bulman,D.C.;Lamming,G.E.
- Br Vet J v.139 Analysis fo factors influencing reproductive performance of the dairy cow by progesterone assay in milk-fat Claus,R.;Karg,H.;Zwiauer,D.;Prichner,F.;Rattenberger,E.;von Butler,I.
- JAVMA v.189 Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine conceptus from days 10 through 20 Curran,S.;Pierson,R.A.;Ginther,O.J.
- Theriogenology v.39 Use of real-time ultrasound to identify multiple fetuses in beef cattle Davis,M.E.;Haibel,G.K.
- Br Vet J v.135 Methods of improving the accuracy of positive results from milk progesterone pregnancy tests Eastman,S.A.K.
- Br Vet J v.135 Milk progesterone determination as applied to the confirmation of oestrus, the detection of cycling and as an aid to veterinarian and biotechnical measures in cows Gunzler,O.;Rattenberger,E.;Gorlach,A.;Hahn,R.;Hocke,P.;Claus,R.;Karg,H.
- Proc 9th Int Cong Anim Reprod & AI v.2 Milk progesterone assay for assessing cyclicity and ovarian dysfunction in cattle Karg,H.;Claus,R.;Gunzler,O.;Rattenberger,E.;Hahn,R.;Hocke,P.
- Theriogenology v.29 Ultrasonic evaluation of the bovine conceptus Kastelic,J.P.;Curran,S.;Pierson,R.A.;Ginther,O.J.
- Can Vet J v.32 Accuracy of rectal palpation and of a rapid milk progesterone enzymeimmunoassay for determining the presence of a functional corpus luteum in subestrous dairy cows Kelton,D.F.;Leslie,K.E.;Etherington,W.G.;Bonett,B.N.;Walton,J.S.
- Compend Contin Educ Prac Vet (Suppl) v.19 no.SUP. Therapeutic uses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone Kesler,D.J.
- Br Vet J v.136 A here test for pregnancy in cattle based on progesterone levels in milk Laing,J.A.;Gibbs,H.A.;Eastman,S.A.K.
- Br Vet J v.141 Milk progesterone in Finnish dairy cows: A field study on the control of artificial insemination and early pregnancy Laitinen,J.;Remes,E.;Tenhunen,M.;Hanninen,O.;Alanko,M.
- Vet Rec v.29 An assessment by progesterone assay of the accuracy of oestrus detection in dairy cows McCaughey,W.J.;Cooper,R.J.
- J Vet Med Sci v.55 Effect of fenprostalene 14 days after fertirelin treatment on intervals from treatment to conception in cows with follicular cysts diagnosed by milk progesterone test Nakao,T.;Harada,A.;Kimura,M.;Takagi,H.;Kaneko,K.;Sugiyama,S.;Saito,A.;Moriyoshi,M.;Kawata,K.
- Jpn J Vet Sci v.45 Milk progesterone levels in cows with normal or prolonged estrous cycles, referenced to an early pregnancy diagnosis Nakao,T.;Sugihashi,A.;Kawata,K.;Saga,N.;Tsunoda,N.
- Br Vet J v.148 Progesterone concentrations in defatted milk of dairy cows in early pregnancy Noseir,M.B.;Gyawu,P.;Pope,G.S.
- J Dairy Sci v.73 Lednor. Economic evaluation of pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle: a decision analysis approach Oltenacu,P.A.;Ferguson,J.D.
- Br Vet J v.137 Progesterone in defatted milk: its relation to insemination and pregnancy in normal cows as compared with cows on problem farms and individual problem animals Oltner,R.;Edqvist,L.E.
- Theriogenology v.21 Ultrasonography of the bovine ovary Pierson,R.A.;Ginther,O.J.
- Herd health: Food animal production medicine(2nd ed.) Maintaining reproductive efficiency in dairy cattle Radostits,O.M.;Leslie,K.E.;Fetrow,J.
- Br Vet J v.150 Ultrasound and progesterone monitoring of ovarian follicular cysts in cows treated with GnRH Ribadu,A.Y.;Dobson,H.;Ward,W.R.
- Jpn J Vet Med Assoc v.38 Changes in serum progesterone levels and subsequent fertility in cows after artificial insemination Sato,S.;Towita,K.;Takahashi,E.
- Current therapy in theriogenology(2nd ed.) v.2 Reproductive managment programs for large dairies Morrow,D.A.
- Br Vet J v.143 The evaluation of a new rapid milk progesterone test and an aid to improving dairy herd fertility Worsfold,A.I.;Booth,J.M.;Wells,P.W.;Huddart,A.C.;Stanley,C.J.
- Reproduction in Farm Animals(3rd ed.) Pregnancy diagnosis in cattle Zemjanis,R.
- 대한수의학회지 v.35 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. V. 혈장 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 무발정의 감별진단 및 PGF₂α 또는 GnRH 치료효과의 판정 강병규;최한선;손창호;오기석;강현구;김삼주;김혁진;김남기
- 대한수의학회지 v.30 한우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. -발정주기 및 임신초기의 progesterone 농도변화 강병규;최한선;이정길;손창호
- 대한수의학회지 v.30 한우의 번식효율 증진에 관한 연구. -Progesterone 농도 측정에 의한 조기임신진단 강병규;최한선;이정길;손창호;서국현
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. I. 유즙증 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 발정확인 및 조기임신진단 강병규;최한선;최상공;손창호
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율증진에 관한 연구. Ⅱ. 혈액 및 유즙증 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 난소낭종의 감별진단 강병규;최한선;최상공;손창호;전홍석
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 Progesterone 농도측정에 의한 유우의 번식효율에 관한 연구. Ⅳ. 유즙증 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 분만후 난소기능회복상태의 검토 강병규;최한선;최상공;손창호;오기석;강현구
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.12 젖소에서 prostaglandin F₂α 또는 fenprostalene 투여후 초음파 진단장치로 측정된 황체의 크기와 혈장 progesterone 농도와의 관계 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;김남기
- 대한수의학회지 v.31 제주재래마의 혈중 progesterone 농도측정에 의한 임신진단에 관한 연구 장덕지;양기천;김중규;강병규;최한선;손창호
- 한국수정란이식학회지 v.11 초음파를 이용한 한우의 조기임신진단에 관한 연구 전병준;윤기영;이은송;이우근;이병천;황우석
- 대한수의학회지 v.32 한국재래산양의 발정주기중 혈장 progesterone 농도변화와 조기임신진단에의 응용 최한선;박영준;강병규;박범준;손창호