A study on the Costume in Renaissance and Baroque Focusing on Wolfflin′s Theory

뵐플린(H. Wolfflin)의 양식사(樣式史)에 따른 Renaissance와 Baroque의 복식에 관한 연구

  • 주명희 (동서울대학 의상디자인과)
  • Published : 1999.07.01


A style of art is an expression of human aesthetic desires, social environment and other cultural yeatures of that time. costume as a means of physical existence of such expression cannot be studied apart from the art style of any given time. In this paper an attempt is made to find out the characteristics of costumes in Renaissance and Barogue by examing the theory of Wolfflin. The organic relationship with the manifestation of human beauty in the genuine art and its formality was clear so that the fact that the dress and its costume are actually a synthetic art and there is close connection with genuine art were made clear. In conclusion, costume and art style are in different genre, they pursued the same way in the same category of Wolfflin's theory in Renaissance and Baroque.
