A Study on the Service for Competitive Advantage (Base on the Service in Medical Institution)

경쟁우위를 위한 고객만족 요인 연구 (의료기관의 서비스 중심으로)

  • 최우진 (동원대학 사무자동화과)
  • Published : 1999.12.01


In this paper, university hospitals, general hospitals/hospitals, private clinics, Chinese medicine hospitals and clinics in Seoul. Metropolitan Inchon, Kyunggi-do were probed to find out how the variables of service task factor are related to customer satisfaction, and to find out the determinants of medical service task(tangible quality, flexibility, cost, time and managerial skills), and anticipation factors, and respective items of customer satisfaction through statistical analysis. The meaning of the above mentioned findings should be carefully understood and construed due to the following problems. Because the factors why patients select hospitals were measured limitedly. it cannot show everything I intended to suggest. Especially due to the insufficient number if items. customer satisfaction variables are too limited. Reflecting the developing changes in various medical environments, hospitals could meet the objective of maintenance and prosperity only by facing the competition effectively and satisfying patients. Also hospitals should pursue patient-oriented service management. In other words, a strategic management of service task factors is needed. Based on this paper's research. a further study should be conducted continuously in order to give customers more satisfaction.

서비스과업요인 변수가 고객만족과 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 서울, 인천 경기도의 병원(대학. 종합, 개인, 한의)을 대상으로 하여 의료서비스 과업의 요인(유형적품질, 유연성. 비용. 시간 및 관리기술) 그리고 기대요인, 고객만족의 각 요인 항목을 토대로 통계분석을 통해서 연구가설의 현실적 적합성을 연구하였다.
