A Study on Improvement of a company's R&D Strategy

기업의 기술개발(R&D)중시 전략에 관한 연구

  • 구현서 (인덕대학 여성정보행정과)
  • Published : 1999.06.01


Research and Development (R&D) departments concentrate their efforts on one of two key types of research: fundamental research to discover new technology, and product development research to determine ways to use new technology or to improve upon already existing technology. Of these two types of research, the first, fundamental research, does not guarantee that successful products will develop. This type of research generally requires the investment of large sums of money without the surety of financial gain. It can, however, greatly enhance a company's image and profit potential if it can then develop a successful product from the fundamental research their scientists and engineers have done. Also, through this type of research, companies can register patents which can result in income from the sale or license of the patented technology or process to other companies. Companies place themselves at financial risk when they delve into fundamental research. For that reason, most companies concentrate their research funds and efforts on the second type of research, product development. For a product to be considered successful the company must realize some sort of benefit such as profit, increased marketshare, market recognition, or any other company-defined benefits. Both types of research require a company's consistent financial investment and planning. As the world market becomes more competitive, only those companies that can produce a product with good quality, competitive pricing, and in a timely manner will thrive. This thesis focuses on issues for developing a successful product through examining a product life cycle, a product portfolio matrix, and reactive and proactive marketing strategies.

기업발전에 있어 R&D부문의 연구개발과 그에 따른 기술개발에 대한 중요도는 그 기업의 장래까지 결정하는 대단히 중요한 고려사항임을 감안할 때 R&D에 대한 투자 및 전략적인 우선권부여는 절대적이라 하겠다. 이 글에서는 무엇보다도 제품기술개발에 대한 기업내의 각 부문별 시너지 전략, 품질전략, 제품관련이론전략, 및 관련마케팅전략등의 중요성에 대해 재인식하고 기업에 있어 무한경쟁시대의 21세기를 준비하는데 보탬이 되고자 한다.
