This experiment was carried out to find the method for mass production by artifical cultivition and to analyze the components of Paecilomyces japonica according to several media. Time of inoculation of the Paecilomyces japonica using silkworm was on first day of five molting and infection rate was 72.0%. Optium medium for mass production of the Paecilomyces japonica was known effective for increasing dry weight and fruitbody at brown rice 80g plus pupa powder 20g. Dry weight of Paecilomyces japonica using fungus of silkworm was 1.2g including pupa and length of fruitbody was appeared 3.0cm to 3.5cm. Content of $\beta$ - glucan was very high as 40.5% at inoculation on the first day of the five molting while 16.4% at brown rice, 20.7% at pupa, 23.1% at brown rice plus pupa powder, and 28.7% at pine sawdust plus wheat bran. Mycelium was poor and pinkly conidiospore was formed on media of centipede, maggot and powder of silkworm.
1. 누에를 이용한 눈꽃동충하초 재배에서 종균접종은 누에 5령1일째 실시하였으며, 감염율은 72% 되었으며 2. 눈꽃동충하초 대량생산을 위한 인공재배 최적배지는 "현미80g+번데기가루20g" 처리구에서 자실체 길이 11.4cm,무게 51.6g, 짙노랑색으로 아주 양호했으며, 현미 처리구, 번데기+PDA처리구에서도 양호했음. 3.누에동충하초에서 발생된 눈꽃동충하초는 번데기 1마리당 1.2g(번데기포함), 길이 3.0~3.5cm정도 되었으며, 일부는 누에상태에서도 동충하초가 발생하였음. 4. $\beta$-glucan함량은 누에 5령 1일 접종 처리구가 40.5%로 가장 높고 저비용 배지인 현미 16.4%, 번데기 20.7%, 현미+번데기가루 23.1%, 소나무 톱밥+밀기울 28.7%로 $\beta$-glucan 함량이 높았다. 5. 지네, 굼벵이, 누에가루처리구에서는 균사생육이 부진하였고 분생포자만 발생하였다.