- Water, Air, and Soil Pollution v.18 Potential effects of acid precipitation on soil nitrogen and productivity of forest ecosystem Aber J. D.;hendrey G. R.;Botkin D. B.;Francis A. J.;Melillo J. M.
- Can. J. Bot. v.62 Acid rain effects on foliar histology of Artemisia tilesii Adams C. M.;Dengler N. G.;Hutchinson T. C.
- Aust. J. Biol. Sci. v.15 A re-examination of the relative turgidity technique for estimating water deficits in leaves Barrs H. D.;Weatherley D. E.
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- SNSF Project, As, Norway, Res. Rep. FR. v.6 no.76 Impact of acid precipitation on forest and freshwater ecosystem in Norway Braekke F. H.
- Water, Air and Soil Pollution v.31 Effects of air pollution on chemistry of surface waxes of scots pine Cape J. N.
- Scanning Electron Microscopy v.III Diagnosis of ambient air pollution injury to red maple leaves Krause C. R.
- Scanning Microscopy v.V Epistomatal wax injury to red spruce needles(Picea abies) grown in elavated levels of ozone and acidified rain Krause C. R.;Cannon W. N.
- Environmental and Experimental Botany v.31 Ozone, acidic precipitation, and soil Mg effects on growth and nutrition of loblolly pine seedlings EEdwards G. S.;Edwards N. T.;Kelly J. M.;Mays P. A.
- Polluted rain Foliar responses that may determine plant injury by simulated acid rain Evans L. S.;Yoribara T. Y.(ed.);Miller M. W.(ed.);Morrow P. E.(ed.)
- Nature v.255 Effect of simulated acid rain on cation loss from leaves Fairfax J. A. W.;Lepp N. W.
- Am. J. Bot. v.63 Effects of simulated acid rain on Phaseolus vulgalis L.(Fabaceae) Ferenbaugh R. W.
- New Phytol v.99 Direct folia effects of simulates acid rain II. Leaf surface characteristics Haines B.L.;Ternstedt J. A.;Newfeld H. S.
- Am. J. Bot. v.67 Response of bush bean exposed to acid mist Hindawi I. J.;Rea J. A.;Griffis W. L.
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- Procedings International Coference on the Ecological Effects of Acid Precipitation Response of field grown soybeans to acid precipitation alone and in combination eith sulfur dioxide Irving P. M.;Miller J. E. ;D. Drablos;A. Tollan(ed.)
- Water, Air, and Soil pollution v.31 Erosion effects of air pollution on needle surface Karhu M.;Huttumen S.
- Water, Air and Soil pollut. v.29 Throughfall and plant nutrient concentration response to simulated acid rain treatment Kelly J. M.;Strickland R. C.
- The Korean Association of Bio. Sci. Symposium of Bio. Sci. v.11 Acid rain Kim J. H.
- J. Korean For. Soc. v.80 Effects of artifical acid rain on seed germination and seedling growth of several conifers I Kim G. T.
- J. Plant Biol. v.37 Growth response of Ginkgo biloba and Pinus thunbergii exposed on simulated acid rain Kim M. R.;Soh W. Y.
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- Korea Meterological Administration Monthly weather report Korean Meterological Administration
- Forest Sci. v.25 The effect of simulated acid rain on seedling emergence and growth of eleven woody species Lee J. J.;Weber D. E.
- Forest Sci. v.36 Growth response and drought susceptibility of red spruce seedlings exposed to simulated acidic rain and ozone Lee W. S.;Chevorn B. I.;Seiler J. R.
- Jour. korean For. Soc. v.82 Effects of simulated acid rain on stomatal resistance, wettability and anatomical changes in Quercus acutissima and Ginkgo biloba seedlings Lee K. H.;Chung G, C.;Lee J. S.
- Acid rain. Sci. Am. v.241 Linkens G. E.;Wright R. F.;Galloway J. N.;butler T. J.
- Plant and soil v.74 Effects of simulated acid rain on germination and early growth of Douglas-fir and Ponderosa pine McColl J. G.;Johnson R.
- Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. v.15 Increase in Pinus strobus needle transectional areas in response to acid misting Naurice C. G.;Crang R. E.
- Proc. Natl. Acid, Sci. U. S. A. v.92 Polymorphic simple sequence repeat regions in chloroplast genomes: applications to the population genetics of pines Powell W.;Morgante R.;McDevitt R.;Vendramin G. G.;Rafalski J. A.
- Environ. Exp. Bot. v.22 Response of tree seedlings to acid precipitation II. Effects of simulated acidified canopy throughfall on sugar maple seedling growth Raynal D. J.;Roman J. R.;Eichenlaub W. M.
- Ph. D. Thesis, Seoul Nat'l Univ. Mechanism aand Recovery of Pinus rigida forest decline by acidic deposition in the mrtropolitan area of Seoul, Korea Rhyu T. C.
- J. Plant Biol. v.37 Water Deficit of pitch pines caused by superficial rooting and air pollutants in seoul and its vicinity Rhyu T. C.;Kim J. H.
- proceeding International Plant Propagator's Society v.25 Regulation on plant growth by rain and mist Tukey Jr. H. B.
- Water, Air and Soil Pollution v.54 Liming and wet acid deposition effects on tree growth and nutrition: Experimental results Tveite
- Water, Air and Soil Pollut. v.7 Short-term effects of a simulated acid rain upon the growth and nutrient relations of Pinus strobus L Wood T.;Bormann F. H.
- Water, Air and Soil Pollution v.54 The influence of acid preciptation and ozone on nitrogen nutrition of young loblolly pine Wright L. M.;Lockaby B. G.;Meldahl R.;Thornton F.;Chappelka A. H.
- Korean J. Plant Res. v.10 Isozyme variants in genus Pinus by simulated acidic rain Yoon E. S.