붉은쏨뱅이, Sebastiscus tertius (Barsukov et Chen)의 초기생활사 1. 난의 형태 및 산출 자치어의 성장에 따른 형태발달

Early Life History of the Red Marbled Rockfish, Sebastiscus tertius (Barsukov et Chen) 1. Egg Morphology and Development of Larvae and Juveniles

  • 김광수 (국립수산진흥원 완도수산종묘배양장) ;
  • 임상구 (국립수산진흥원 완도수산종묘배양장) ;
  • 한경호 (여수대학교 양식학과) ;
  • 오성현 (여수대학교 양식학과) ;
  • 노병율 (여수대학교 양식학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.03.01


1997년 1월부터 5월까지 전라남도 완도 연안에서 연승어업에 의해 채집된 붉은쏨뱅이 어미들을 육상수조로 운반하여 체내에서 수정된 난을 인위적으로 채란하여 난의 형태를 관찰하였고, 산출자치어의 성장에 따른 형태변화를 관찰하였다. 1. 붉은쏨뱅이의 수정란 및 미수정란은 구형으로 무채투명하여, 이경은 0.72~0.80mm(평균 0.75mm, n=50)이고, 큰 유구 하나와 작은 유구 2~7개가 분포한다. 2. 산출직후의 자어는 전장이 3.79~3.97mm이며, 입과 항문이 열려있고, 눈에 색소포가 착색되어있다. 3. 산출 1~2일째의 자어는 전장이 3.90~4.13mm으로 난황을 완전 흡수하여, 아래턱에 처음으로 흑색소포가 출현한다. 4. 산출 11일째 자어는 성장이 4.23~4.60mm으로 가슴지느러미에 9~10개의 줄기가 출현하며, 후두부에 나뭇가지모양의 흑색소포가 나타난다. 5. 산출 21일째 자란은 전장이 5.83~7.10mm으로 통색말단이 $45^{\circ}$ 각도로 굽어진다. 6. 산출 33일째 개채의 전장은 9.80~12.36mm으로 모든 지느러미 줄기가 정수에 달하여 치어기로 이행한다.

From January 1997 to May, the red marbled rockfish, Sebastiscus tertius (Barsukov et Chen) was reared in the laboratory, and observed the morphological characteristies of egg and development of larvae and juveniles. The egg is spherical in shape colorless and transparent, measuring 0.72~0.80mm in diameter (mean 0.75mm, n=50). The naturally bearing larvae were 3.79~3.97mm in total length with 7~8+15~16=22~24 myomeres, and mouth and anus were open. Melanophores were present on the yolk of the larva and ventral margins of the tail. The 1~2 days after bearing larvae measured 3.90~4.13mm in total length, and transformed to postlarval stage, and yolk sac were completely resorbed. On the lower jaw melanophores were present. Total length of the larvae was 4.23~4.60mm in total length (11 days after bearing), number of elongated pectoral fin rays was 9~10, and melanophores distributed on the top of head, around the intestine tube, ventral margins of the tail and on the pectoral fin. In 21 days after bearing, the larva were 5.83~7.10mm in total length, and the caudal notochord flex $45^{\circ}$. Individuals of 9.80~12.36mm in total length (33 days after bearing) are regarded to have reached to the juvenile stage with all the fins were developed.



  1. J. Ichthyol. v.18 Review of the subgenus Sebastiscus (Sebastes, Scorpaenidae) with a description of a new species Barsukov, V. V.;L. C. Chen
  2. Sevastes oblongus. Bull. Nat'l. Fish. Res. Dev. Agency v.50 Egg development and morphology of he oblong rockfish Byun, S. G.;C. S. Go;Y. B. Moon
  3. Sebastes pachycephalus nigricans (Schmidt). Japan. J. Ichthyol. v.6 On the larval stages of a scorpaenid fish Fujita, S.
  4. Sebastes oblongus Gunther. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish. v.24 On the egg development and larval stages of a viviparous Scorpanidae fish Han K. H.;Y. U. Kim;C. M. Kim
  5. Korean J. Ichthyol. v.8 Description of egg and larvae of two spesies of rockfishes (Scropaenidae: Sebastes) in Korean waters Han K. H.;Y. U. Kim;C. M. Kim
  6. Korean. J. Ichthyol. v.3 The early life history of rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli Kim Y. U.;K. H. Han
  7. Bull. Korean. Fish. Soc. v.26 The early life history of rockfish, Sebastes inermis 1. Egg development and morphology of larvae by artificial treatment in aquarium Kim Y. U.;K. H. Han
  8. Bull. Korean Fish. Soc. v.26 The early life history of rockfish, Sebastes inermis 2. Morphological and skeletal development of larvae and juveniles Kim Y. U.;K. H. Han;S. K. Byun
  9. Korean J. Ichthyol. v.9 The early life history of Scorpion fish, Sebasticus mamoratus 1. Egg development and morphology of larvae by artificial treatment in aquarium Kim Y. U.;K .H. Han.;C. B. Kang.;J. K. Kim.;S. G. Byun
  10. Korean J. Ichthyol. v.9 The early life history of Scorpion fish, Svasticus mamoratus. 2. Morphological and skeletal development of larvae and juveniles Kim Y. U.;K. H. Han.;C. B. Kang.;J. K. Kim.;S. G. Byun
  11. The Fishes of the Japanese Archipelago Masuda, H.;K. Amaoka;C. Araga;T. Uyeno;T. Yoshino
  12. Rec. Oceanogr. Works Japan v.5 Studies on population biologyof costal fishes in Kyushu. I. Biology of Sbastes inermis Cuvier er Valenciennes Mio, S.
  13. Bull. Fac. Fish. v.6 Studies on a Scorpaenous fish Sebasticus marmoratus Cuvier et Valenciennes-II. The seasonal cycle of mature testis and the spermatigenesis Mizue, K.
  14. Bull. Fac. Fish. v.25 On the larvae of three species of rockfish (Genus Sebastes) in Hokkaido Sasaki, T.
  15. Environment. Biol. Fish. v.30 Mating habits of the rockfish, Sebastes inermis Shinomiya, A.;O. Ezaki
  16. Sebastes pachycephauls pachycephalus. Rec. Oceanogr. Works Japan v.6 Studies on habits of coastal fishes in the Amakusa Islands. Part II. Early life history of the purple rockfish Shiokawa, T.
  17. Sebastes pachycephalus pachycephalus. Rec. Oceanogr. Works Japan v.5 Studies on habits of coastal fishes in the Amakusa Island. Part. I. Early life history of the purple rockfish Shiokawa, T.;H. Tsukahara
  18. Sebastes longisponis (Matsubara). I. Eggs and larval stages. Bull. Simonoseki Univ. Fish. The life history of a ovoviviparous scorpaenoid fish Takai, T.;T. Funkunaga
  19. Sebastes marmoratus. Rec. Oceanogr. Works Japan v.6 Studies on habits of coastal fishes in the Amakusa Island. Part 2, Early life history of the rockfish Tsukahara, H.
  20. 남해수산연구소 사업보고서 쏨뱅이 種苗生産 技術開發 試驗 金京敏;姜龍珍;金聖喆
  21. 한국동물명집(곤충제외) 한국동물분류학회
  22. 靜岡水試硏究報 v.12 カサゴの種苗生産に關する硏究-I, 産仔生態について 大上皓久;大瀧高明;片野登;佐佐木正
  23. 魚雜 v.24 クロソイ仔に稚魚ついて 星合愿一
  24. 日本海洋プランクトン圖鑑 v.7 魚卵.稚魚 水戶敏
  25. 東シナ海.黃海魚名圖鑑 西海區水産硏究所
  26. 日本産魚類の仔稚魚期の硏究 v.第1集 庄島洋一