Withdrawal Weighting SAW 필터의 최적 설계

Optimization of the Withdrawal Weighting SAW Filter

  • 이영진 (경북대학교 센서공학과) ;
  • 노용래 (경북대학교 전기전자공학부/센서공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.05.01


본 연구에서는 통과대역폭, 리플, 저지대역 감쇠도의 필터특성을 고려하여 주어진 입력사양에 부합하는 withdrawal SAW 필터의 새로운 최적화 알고리즘을 개발하고자 하였다. 필터의 성능해석을 위해 델타함수 모델을 이용하였으며, 대표적인 필터구조로서 균일한 입력 IDT에 대해 출력단을 withdrawal weighting하는 경우를 선정, 해석하였다. 이를 위해 여덟개의 설계변수를 선정하였으며 각각의 변화가 성능변수에 미치는 영향을 고려하여 세 단계를 거쳐 최적화 알고리즘을 완성하였다. 첫 단계에서는 삽입손실을 고려하여 입출력 전극수와 형상의 규격을 결정하고 다음 단계에서는 위상반전 방법을 이용하여 대역폭을 조절하며, 마지막 단계에서는 전극을 추가, 제거하는 방법을 통해 저지대역의 특성규격을 만족시켰다. 본 연구를 통해 제시하는 새로운 withdrawal weighting 필터 설계방법은 기존의 설계 방법들과는 달리 통과대역폭, 리플. 저지대역 억압도, 삽입손실 등의 필터특성을 동시에 고려하며 주어진 입력사양에 부합하는 필터를 최적화할 수 있다.

In this study, we propose a new optimization algorithm for a withdrawal weighted SAW transversal filter to satisfy given, specifications such as bandwidth, ripple, insertion loss, and sidelobe rejection level. An analysis tool for the withdrawal weighted filter has been produced by means of the delta function model, and has been applied to the design of a filter consisting of an uniform input IDT and a withdrawal weighted output IDT. This optimization algorithm consists of three routines, which eventually determines eight design parameters to satisfy the performance specifications. At the first step, the number of input and output IDT fingers and their geometrical size are determined by the insertion loss specification. At the next step, the bandwidth is controlled by the change of the IDT finger position. Finally, the sidelobe rejection level is modified through the add/skip technique of IDT fingers. The algorithm in this paper is distinct from conventional techniques in that it can simultaneously consider all the specifications such as bandwidth, ripple, sidelobe rejection level and insertion loss, and optimize the geometry of the withdrawal weighted SAW filter.



  1. IEEE Ultrasonics symposium proceedings Phasc error compensation in finger withdrawal transducers R.S.Wagers
  2. IEEE Trans. on Sonics and Ultrasonics v.SU-26 no.5 Interdigital Transducer Models : Filter Syntheis T.L.Szabo;K.R.Laker;E.Cohcn
  3. IEEE Ultransonics symposium proceedings Weighting Interdigital surface wave transducers by selective withdrawal of electrodes C.S.Hartmann
  4. IEEE Trans. on MTT v.MTT-23 no.11 Fundanmental and Harmonic-Frequency Circuit-Model analysis of interdigital transducers with arbitrary metallization ratios and polarity sequences W.R.Smith;W.F.Fedler
  5. IEEE Ultrasonics symposium proceedings Electric field interactions within finite arrays and the design on withdrawal weighted SAW K.R.Laker;E.Cohen;A.J.Slobodnik,Jr.
  6. IEEE Trans. on Sonics and Ultrasionics v.Su-25 no.1 Tap weight enhancement for broad-band filters D.C.Malocha;S.Datta;B.J.Hunsinger
  7. IEEE Trans. on Sonics and UItrasonics v.SU-26 no.5 A Simple method of reducing sidelobes for electrodc-withdrawal weighted SAW filters M.yamaguchi;K.Hashimoto;H.Kogo
  8. Surface Acoustic Wave Devices and their Signal Processing Applications Colin Campbell