The Dependence of Frequency Change Perception on the Acoustics of a Listening Environment and Its Implication for the Evaluation of Room Acoustics

  • Jeong, Dae-Up (Research staff, Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


Psychophysical approaches to the room acoustics have been made in number of researches. The present study is looking at whether the listener's perception of frequency change in rooms are dependent on the acoustics of a listening environment. P(C)s for frequency change in short tones were measured in different listening conditions. Two experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of room acoustics on the listener's perception of frequency change, and its implication for evaluating the acoustics of listening environments were examined and discussed. It was found that the temporal and spectral contents of reflections from room surfaces might be an important factor which influenced the listener's perception of frequency change in a reverberant sound field. This implicates that psychophysical approach by measuring listener's frequency change perception might be an useful tool for evaluating room acoustics. However, cares should be taken, since some individual differences were found to exist with respect to the direction of frequency change.



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