Immunohistochemistry of Glucagon- immunoreactive Cells in the Developing Pancreas of the Korean Native Goat (Capra hircus)

  • Sae-Kwang Ku (Laboratory of Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Hyeung-Sik Lee (Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Kyungsan University) ;
  • Jae-Hyun Lee (Laboratory of Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


The distribution of glucagon-immunoreactive cells in the pancreas during various developmental stages (fetus, neonate, 1-month-old, 6-month-old and adult) of the Korean native goat was investigated by immunohistochemical methods. The varying distribution and frequency of glucagon-immunoreactive cells in the pancreas of the Korean native goat were observed. The glucagon-immunoreactive cells were detected in both exocrine and endocrine portions (pancreatic islets) at all developmental stages and also in ducts of the 6-month-old and adult. The relative frequencies of glucagon-immunoreactive cells increased in the pancreatic islets and ducts with age, but decreased in the exocrine portions. Generally, they were distributed in the interacinar spaces or marginal zone of the pancreatic islets during all stages of development. However, the cell distributions of the pancreatic islets in the neonate divided into two types: 1) ones which were distributed in the inner zone, and 2) others in the peripheral zone.



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