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- J Bacteriol v.101 Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria indigenous to pH 2.8 acid mine water: predominant slime-producing bacteria in acid streams Dugan PR;MacMillan CB;Pfister RM
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- J Korea Air Poll Res Ass v.11 Application of the STEM Ⅱ to air pollutant transport/chemistry/deposition in the Korea and eastern China area. Ⅱ. Transport of SO₂and sulfate between the Korea and eastern China area Lee SI;Cho SY;Shim SG
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- Appl Environ Microbiol v.43 Effects of acid on plant litter decomposition in an Arctic lake McKinley VL;Vestal JR
- Int J Syst Bacteriol v.39 Precise measurement of the G+C content of deoxyribonucleic acid by high-performance liquid chromatography Mesbah M;Premachandran U;Whitman WB
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- J Appl Bacteriol v.75 Effects of pH and temperature on heterotrophic bacteria in acidiffied and non-acidified lochs Rattray J;Logan NA
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- Acidification of Freshwater Ecosystems, Implicaitons for the Future Changes caused by acidification to the biodiversity: productivity and biogeochemical cycles of lakes Schindler DW;Steinberg CEW(ed.);Wright RF(ed.)
- Environ Monit Assess v.12 Losses of biota from American aquatic communities due to acid rain Schindler DW;Kasian SE;Hesslein RH
- Acidic Precipitation Effects of acidic precipitation on the biota of freshwater lakes Stokes PM;Howell ET;Krantzberg G;Adriano DC(ed.);Johnson AH(ed.)
- Proceedings of the First North East Asia Air Pollution Research Association Analysis on air pollution in China Wang W
- Microb Ecol v.9 Change in water and sediment bacterial community structure in a lake receiving acid mine drainage Wassel RA;Mills AL