복식문화연구 (The Research Journal of the Costume Culture)
- 제7권1호
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- Pages.38-51
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- 1999
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- 1226-0401(pISSN)
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- 2383-6334(eISSN)
20대 성인 남녀 발의 형태분류와 유형별 특성 분석
Classification of Foot Type and the Characteristics According to Types
For a ideal construction of shoes, the exact analysis for shape and size of foot is necessary. This study was performed to classify and analyze the foot types of young males and females. For this, methods of cluster analysis, correspondence analysis and value of proportion were used. The subjects were 414 college students and 36 items, weight(1 item), height(8 items), length(6 items), breadth(6 items), girth(7 items), depth(3 items), slope(5 items) on foot were measured. The fundamental results of the study were as follow ; Difference in foot shape between men\`s and women\`s feet was not found below ankle girth. Based on cluster analysis the shapes of foot were classified into five groups, small but relatively slim group, small but relatively barrel group, middle group, large but relatively slim group and large but relatively barrel group. The types of foot had the distinguished dominant characteristics according to sex, weight and height. The results of this study show that there must be the suitable design of shoes for each foot type.