탐색결과에 근거한 자연어질의 자동확장 및 응용에 관한 연구 고찰

The Pragmatics of Automatic Query Expansion Based on Search Results of Natural Language Queries

  • 노정순 (한남대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


본 연구는 자연어 비불리언 탐색에서 탐색결과에 근거하여 질의를 수정, 확장, 결합하여 검색효과를 향상시키는 시스템들을 개념모델별로 성능을 고찰하고, 성능에 영향을 끼치는 요소들을 분석하여, 이론적인 개념의 틀을 제시하였다. 용어의 가중치기법, 문헌의 순위화방법, 용어선정알고리즘, 질의확장에 사용된 문헌수와 용어수, 적합성판정정보의 출처 및 척도, 배움표본의 크기, 부적합문헌정보의 사용여부, 용어확장방법, 질의의 크기, DB의 종류와 크기 등에 의해 영향을 받는 것으로 분석되었다.

This study analyses the researches on automatic query modification, expansion and combination based on search results of natural language queries and gives a conceptual framework for the factors affecting the effectiveness of the relevance feedback. The operating and experimental systems based on the vector space model, the binary independence model and the inference net model are reviewed, and it is found that the effectiveness of query expansion is affected by conceptual models, algorithms for weighting terms and documents and selecting query terms to be added, size of relevant and non-relevant documents to be used and size of terms to be added in relevance feedback, query length, type and size of DBs, etc.



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  6. Library & Information Science Research v.15 Logical reasoning and retrieval performance Allan,B.
  7. Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Relevance feedback with too much data Allan,J.
  8. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Incremental relevance feedback for information filtering Allan,J.
  9. Recent experiments with inquery Allen,J.(et al.)
  10. Inquery at TREC-5 Allen,J.(et al.)
  11. Inquery does battle with TREC-6 Allan,J.(et al.)
  12. Inquery and TREC-7 Allan,J.(et al.)
  13. Journal of Documentation v.53 no.1 Experiments on interfaces to support query expansion Beaulieu,M.
  14. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.47 no.1 Evaluating interactive systems in TREC Beaulieu,M.;S.Robertson;E.Rasmussen
  15. Interactive Okapi at TREC-6 Beaulieu,M.;M.J.Gatford
  16. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science The effect of multiple query representation on information retrieval system performance Belkin,N.J.(et al.)
  17. Information Processing & Management v.31 no.3 Combining the evidence of multiple query representations for information retrieval Belkin,N.J.(et al.)
  18. Rutgers TREC-6 interactive track experience Belkin,N.J.(et al.)
  19. Rutgers TREC-7 interactive track experience Belkin,N.J.(et al.)
  20. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.47 no.7 Why are online catalogs still hard to use Borgman,C.L.
  21. Journal of Documentation v.53 no.3 The development of a method of the evaluation of interactive infomation retrievel systems Borlund,P.;P.Ingwersen
  22. Document retrieval and routing using the Inquery system Broglio,J.(et al.)
  23. Proceedings of the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Optimization of relevance feedback weights Burkley,C.;G.Salton
  24. Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science The effect of adding relevance infomation in a relevance feedback environment Burkley,C.;G.Salton;J.Allan
  25. Information Processing & Management v.31 no.3 Automatic routing and retrieval using SMART: TREC-2 Burkley,D.;J.Allan;G.Salton
  26. Using query zoning and correlation within SMART: TREC5 Burkley,C.;A.Singhal;M.Mitra
  27. Automatic query expansion using SMART: TREC3 Burkley,C.(et al.)
  28. New retrieval approaches using SMART: TREC4 Burkley,C.(et al.)
  29. Using clustering and superconcepts within SMART: TREC6 Burkley,C.(et al.)
  30. SMART high precision: TREC7 Buckley,C.(et al.)
  31. Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Passage-level evidence in document retrieval Callan,J.P.
  32. Information Processing & Management v.31 no.3 TREC and Tipster experiments with Inquery Callan,J.;W.B.Croft;J.Broglio
  33. Journal of Documentation v.35 Using probabilistic models of information retrieval without relevance information Croft,W.;D.Harper
  34. TREC-2 routing and adhoc retrieval evaluation using the Inquery system Croft,B.(et al.)
  35. Proceedings of the 14th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science The use of phrases and structured queries in information retrieval Croft,B.;H.R.Turtle;D.D.Lewis
  36. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science A user-centered evaluation of ranking algorithms for interactive query expansion Efthimiadis,E.
  37. Information Processing & Management v.31 no.4 User choices : A new yardstick for the evaluation of ranking algorithms for interactive query expansion Efthimiadis,E.
  38. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology v.31 Query expansion Efthimiadis,E.
  39. UCLA-Okapi at TREC2: Query Expansion experiments Efthimiadis,E.;P.V.Biron
  40. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.40 The effectiveness of a nonsyntactic approach to automatic phrase indexing for document retrieval Fagan,J.L.
  41. Information Services and Use v.7 no.4-5 Testing the applicability of intelligent methods for information retrieval Fox,E.A.
  42. Annual Review OCLD Research, July 1989 to June 1990 Advanced retrieval methods for online catalogs Fox,E.A.
  43. Combination of multiple searches Fox,E.A.;J.A.Shaw
  44. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Development of a Modern OPAC:Form REVTOLC to MARIAN Fox,E.A.(et al.)
  45. ACM Transactions on Information systems v.9 no.3 A probabilistic learning approach for document indexing Fuhr,N.;C.Buckley
  46. Proceedings of the 21th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science A theory of term weighting based on exploratory data analysis Greiff,W.R.
  47. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Relevance feedback and inference networks Haines,D.;W.B.Croft
  48. Proceedings of the 15th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Relevance feedback revisited Harman,D.
  49. Overview of the first Text Retrieval Conference(TREC-1) Harman,D.
  50. Overview of the second Text Retrieval Conference(TREC-2) Harman,D.
  51. Overview of the third Text Retrieval Conference(TREC-3) Harman,D.
  52. Overview of the fourth Text Retrieval Conference(TREC-4) Harman,D.
  53. ANU/ACSys TREC-6 experiments Hawking,D.;P.Thistlewaite;Nick, Craswell
  54. A Comparison of Boolean and Natural Language Searching for the TREC-6 Interactive Task Hersh,W.;B.Day
  55. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.46 no.7 An Evaluation of interactive Boolean and natural language searching with an online medical textbook Hersh,W.;D.Hickam
  56. Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science OHSUMED: An interactive retrieval evaluation and new large test collection for research Hersh,W.(et al.)
  57. RQ v.30 Success and failures of patrons searching the online catalog at a large academic library: a transaction log analysis Hunter,R.N.
  58. Journal of Documentation v.47 The use of term position devices in ranked output experiments Keen,E.M.
  59. Proceedings of the 15th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Term position ranking: some new test results Keen,E.M.
  60. Information Processing & Management v.30 no.2 An expert system approach to online catalog subject searching Khoo,C.;D.C.C.Poo
  61. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science A new method of weighting query terms for Ad-Hoc retrieval Kwok,K.L.
  62. Proceedings of the 21th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Improving two-stage Ad-Hoc retrieval for short queries Kwok,K.L.;M.Chan
  63. RQ v.33 no.3 Searching databases on CD-ROM : Comparison of the results of end-user searching with results from two modes of searching by skilled intermediaries Lancaster,F.W.(et al.)
  64. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.39 Parameter estimation for probabilistic document retrieval models Losee,R.M.
  65. Information Proecessing & Management v.24 no.3 Integrating Boolean queries in Conjunctive Normal Form with probabilistic retrieval models Losee,R.M.;A.Boostein
  66. Boolean system revisited : Its performance and its behavior Lu,X.;J.D.Holt;D.J.Miller
  67. OPACS and beyond : Proceedings of a joint meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC Large database and multiple database problems in online catalogs Lyuch,C.A.
  68. Proceedings of the 20th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science The potential and actual effectiveness of interactive query expansion Magennis,M.;C.J.van Rijsbergen
  69. Proceedings of the 21th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Improving automatic query expansion Mitra,M.;A.Signhal;C.Buckley
  70. Information Retriecal Research A Performance evaluation of similarity measure, document term weighting schemes & representations in a Boolean environment Noreault,T.;M.McGill;M.B.Koll:R.N.Oddy(ed.)
  71. Information Processing & Management v.34 no.2/3 Freestyle vs. Boolean: a comparison of partial and exact match retrieval systems Paris,L.A.;H.R.Tibbo
  72. Program v.22 no.1 Relevance feedback in a public access catalogue for a research library: Muscat at the Scott Polar Research Institute Porter,M.;V.Galpin
  73. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.39 An evaluation of the applicability of ranking algorithms to improve the effectiveness of full-text retrieval. Ⅱ. On the effectiveness of ranking Algorithms on Full-text retrieval Ro,J.S.
  74. Journal of Documentation v.42 On relevance weight estimation of query expansion Robertson,S.
  75. Journal of Documentation v.46 no.4 On term selection for query expansion Robertson,S.
  76. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.27 Relevance weighting of search terms Robertson,S.;K. Sparck Jones
  77. Informatics 10-prospects for intelligent retrieval Weighted searching: The CIRT experiment Robertson,S.;C.L.Thompson;K.P.Jones(ed.)
  78. Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Some simple effective approximations to the 2-poisson model for probabilistic weighted retrieval Robertson,S.;S.Walker
  79. Information Processing & Management v.31 no.3 Large test collection experiments on an operational interactive system: Okapi at TREC Robertson,S.;S.Walker;M.Hancock Beaulieu
  80. Journal of Documentation v.53 no.1 Laboratory experiments with Okapi: Participation in the TREC programme Robertson,S.;S.Walker;M.Beaulieu
  81. Okapi at TREC-7:automatic ad hoc, filtering, VLC and interactive Robertson,S.;S.Walker;M.Beaulieu
  82. Okapi at TREC-2 Robertson,S.(et al.)
  83. Okapi at TREC-3 Robertson,S.(et al.)
  84. Okapi at TREC-4 Robertson,S.(et al.)
  85. Information Processing & Management v.24 no.5 Term-weighting approaches in automatic text retrieval Salton,G.;C.Buckley
  86. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.41 no.4 Improving retrieval performance by relevance feedback Salton,G.;C.Buckley
  87. Information Processing & Management v.14 Term relevance weights in on-line information retrieval Salton,G.;R.K.Waldstein
  88. Report on the TREC4 experiment: combining probabilistic and ventor-space schemes Savoy,J.;M.Ndarugendamwo;D.Vrajitoru
  89. Information Processing & Management v.31 no.4 Term-relevance computations and perfect retrieval performance Shaw,W.M.Jr.
  90. Combination of Multiple Search Shaw,J.A.;E.A.Fox
  91. AT & T at TREC-6 Singhal,A.
  92. AT & T at TREC-7 Singhal,A.(et al.)
  93. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Pivoted document length normalization Singhal,A.;C.Buckley;M.Mitra
  94. Proceedings of the 20th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Learning routing queries in a query zone Singhal,A.;M.Mitra;C.Buckley
  95. Information Processing & Management v.32 no.5 Document length normalization Singhal,A.(et al.)
  96. Information Processing & Management v.15 Experiments in relevance weighting of search terms Sparck Jones, K.
  97. Journal of Documentation v.35 no.1 Search term relevance weighting given little relevance information Sparck Jones, K.
  98. Information Processing & Management v.31 no.3 Reflections on TREC Sparck Jones, K.
  99. Summary performance comparisons : TREC2-6 Sparck Jones,n K.
  100. Annual Review of Information Science & Technology v.31 Feedback in information retrieval Spink,A.;R.Losee
  101. Proceedings of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Natural language vs. Boolean query evaluation : A comparison of retrieval performance Turtle,H.
  102. ACM Transactions on Information Systems v.9 no.3 Evaluation of an inference network-based retreival model Turtle,H.;W.B.Croft
  103. The Computer Journal v.35 no.3 A Comparison of text retrieval models Turtle,H.;W.B.Croft
  104. Journal of Documentation v.33 A theoretical basis for the use of co-occurrence data in information retrieval Van Rijsbergen, C.J.
  105. Overview of the fifth Text REtrieval Conference(TREC-5) Vorhees,E.M.;D.Harman
  106. Overview of the sixth Text REtrieval Conference(TREC-6) Vorhees,E.M.;D.Harman
  107. Okapi at TREC-6 : Automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR Walker,S.(et al.)
  108. Similarity Measures for short queries Wilkinson,R.;J.Zobel;R. Sacks-Davis
  109. Journal of Documentation v.37 The Estimation of term relevance weights using relevance feedback Wu,H.;G.Salton
  110. Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Science Query expansion using local and global document analysis Xu,J.;W.B.Croft