Bayes and Sequential Estimation in Hilbert Space Valued Stochastic Differential Equations

  • Bishwal, J.P.N. (Indian Statistical Institute)
  • Published : 1999.03.01


In this paper we consider estimation of a real valued parameter in the drift coefficient of a Hilbert space valued Ito stochastic differential equation. First we consider observation of the corresponding diffusion in a fixed time interval [0, T] and prove the Bernstein - von Mises theorem concerning the convergence of posterior distribution of the parameter given the observation, suitably normalised and centered at the MLE, to the normal distribution as Tlongrightarrow$\infty$. As a consequence, the Bayes estimator of the drift parameter becomes asymptotically efficient and asymptotically equivalent to the MLE as Tlongrightarrow$\infty$. Next, we consider observation in a random time interval where the random time is determined by a predetermined level of precision. We show that the sequential MLE is better than the ordinary MLE in the sense that the former is unbiased, uniformly normally distributed and efficient but is latter is not so.



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