Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review (가족자원경영과 정책)
- Volume 3 Issue 2
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- Pages.61-76
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- 1999
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- 1738-0391(pISSN)
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- 2713-9662(eISSN)
A study on The elderly과s decision-making and life-adjustment in the family Its Relatied Variables
노인의 가정내 의사결정과 생활적응 관련변인
The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree of influence on the elderly’s life adjustment and decision making in the family. For these research tasks the data were collected through interview. the respondents were 296 of man and woman elderly who lived in JeonJu. It was analyzed by various statistical methods such as Frequency, Percentile, ANOVA, correlate, t-test, Multiple Regression Analysis. The finding of this study are as follows; 1) Decision-making of the elderly in family had significant differences I the area of sex, the sum of monthly personal expenses, satisfaction level of personal expenses, subjective economic level and self-esteem in the order named. 2) Elderly life-adjustment had significant differences in the area of the residential district, the present job, the situation of a apouse, religion, education, the sum of the monthly personal expenses, health, satisfaction level of personal expenses, subjective economics level and self-esteem. 3) When we observe relationship with the elderly decision-making in family and life-adjustment, relation decision-making in family and life-adjustment appeared positively. 4) Decision-making of the elderly in family had the significant differences according to the variables such as sex, the sum of monthly personal expenses, and self-esteem in the order named, and the most influential factor among them was sex. 5) Elderly life-adjustment had the significant differences according to the variables such as self-esteem, decision-making, religion, health, the sum of the monthly personal expenses, the residential district in the order named. The most influential factor was self-esteem and the explanary of those variables for the elderly life-adjustment was 55.1%.