가족자원경영과 정책 (Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review)
- 제3권1호
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- Pages.1-15
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- 1999
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- 1738-0391(pISSN)
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- 2713-9662(eISSN)
신세대 소비자의 역할수행 및 녹색소비행동
New Generation행s Consumer roles and Green Consumption Behavior
The purpose of this study is to find out the tendency of the new generation’s consumer roles and green consumption behavior for the environmental conservation. This study is also to reveal some fundamental information for an environmental education program which si able to support the new generation consumers to participate voluntarily in an environmental activity. The 500 subjects of this study were selected from the new generation consumers who wre residing in Seoul, 1998. The 414 data wre finally analyzed by Mean, t-Test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The major findings were as follows: 1) the purchasing roles of the new generation consumer tended to be higher than the citizen participation’s roles. The variables with the higher score for the new generation’s green consumption behavior were in the rank of the isolation of environmental waste, the purchasing behavior of green product, the recycling environmental resource, and citizen’s participating roles in environmental activity. 2) the new generation’s consumer roles showed a significant differences, according to variables for the environmental value, environmental education, and participation of the environmental and societal activity 3) the green consumption behavior for the new generation consumers showed a significant differences, according to sex, environmental value, participation of the environmental and societal activity. 4) the most influential variables for the green consumption behavior of the new generation consumers were in the rank of consumer roles, educational values, and the participation of the environmental activity. As we see above, the consumer education for the new generations needs to focus on consumer’s roles that let them participate voluntarily in environmental and societal activity, as well as practice positively to use green environmental products whenever they select some items in the markets.