아동의 자기지각 및 대인지각과 사회적 선호도와의 관계

The Relationship Between Children's Self and Interpersonal Perceptions and Social Preference

  • 황옥경 (에딘버러대학교 사회사업학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


The purpose of this stud was to investigate how the children's perceptions of interpersonal relations(parent, family and peers) and self are related to social preference. The subjects of this study were 625 children of 5th and 6th grade in 4 primary schools in Tajon. Social preference was highly correlated with perceptions of peer and of father. The direct path between boy's perceptions of parent/family and peer ratings of social preference was no longer significant whereas there was a significant path mediated by their perception of self. This suggests that boys and girls' peer representations were established for the role as mediators between parents/ family representations and peer ratings of social preference. In addition negative representations of self and others were found to be associated with increased social impairment and less positive status in the peer groups.



  1. 부모의 양육행동 및 형제관계와 아동의 자존감과의 관계 박영애
  2. 한국가정관리학회지 v.15 no.1 부모의 양육행동 및 가족지지와 아동의 대인간 문제해결 행동과의 관계 박영애;황옥경
  3. 아동의 또래수용도와 관련변인간의 인과모형 분석 정미자
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