아동의 행동문제와 관련변인간의 인과관계

The Causal Relationship of Children's Behavior Problem and the Relted Variables

  • 김경연 (부산대학교 가정대학 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.03.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze a causal relationship of children's behavior problem and the related variables(socio-economic status mother's psychological problem mother's affective parenting behavior children's negative emotionality and children's self-control). The major findings of this study were as follows: 1) Socio-economic status had indirect in influence to children's behavior problem via mother's psychological problem and mother's affective parenting behavior. 2) Mother's psychological problem had direct influence and also indirect influence to hildren's behavior problem via mother's affective parenting behavior and children's negative emotionality. 3) Mother's affective parenting behavior and children's negative emotionality had a direct effect on children's behavior problem and affected indirectly via children's self-control. 4) Children's self-control had direct influence to children's behavior problem. 5) Mother's psychological problem was the most signi icant variable affecting children's behavior problem.



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  2. 한국심리학회지:발달 v.8 no.1 심리적 특징 및 우울과 비행간의 관계(Ⅱ): 청소년 이전기를 중심으로 곽금주;문은영
  3. 한국심리학회지:발달 v.10 no.1 한국아동의 정서에 관한 심리학적 연구 김경희
  4. 한국가정관리학회지 v.16 no.4 아동 및 청소년의 행동문제 척도 개발 김선희;김경연
  5. 청소년기 기질적합성이 우울증상에 미치는 영향 김정민
  6. 부모-자녀관계:생태학적 접근 박성연;도현심;정승원
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  10. 한국심리학회지:발달 v.10 no.1 발달정신병리란 무엇인가? 양혜영
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  12. 대한가정학회지 v.36 no.8 청소년기 자녀가 경험하는 부모의 학대유형과 부적응행동 이경주;신효식
  13. 아동학회지 v.19 no.2 아동의 행동문제에 영향을 미치는 위기요인과 보호요인의 이론적 과정모델 이선경;이재연
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