효행자가족의 특성 및 부양행동 분석

Study on the characteristic and caregiving behavior of families who awarded on filial piety

  • 김수연 (숙명여자대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.03.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics and caregiving behavior in families who awarded on filial piety. Using the qualitative method 137 families and social supports to them were analyzed,. The major findings can be summarized as follows (1) Most of caregivers were daughter-in -law over 40 years in 3-generation or 2-generation family. Elderly can be characterized as oldest-old dependent long-term care for more than 10 years. (2) These families showed very high family solidarity with strong collectivity. (3) Their economic emotional and service cares were family-centered with helps from their extended family. These families were supported emotional helps rather than instrumental helps from social network. It was concluded that to help family elder care social support program for the frail elder caregiving families should be complemented in their children support program family life enrichment program for the inter-generational relationship medical care program other social network program and religion program etc. And more concrete and qualified study for the adaptation of filial piety families should be followed.



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  8. 정신문화연구 v.19 no.2 가족구성의 변화와 전망 박부진
  9. 한국노년학 v.9 현대한국인의 효행에 관한 연구. 가족중심적 부양의 이념 및 실천 성규탁
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  11. 대한가정학회지 v.35 no.3 효규범에 대한 사적인 고찰-호혜성 및 공정성을 중심으로- 성미애;옥선화
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  14. 노인생활실태 분석 및 정책과제 이가옥(외 공저)
  15. 아산재단 연구총서 v.29 가족의 관계역동성과 문제인식 이광규(외 공저)
  16. 조선유교사회사론 이태진
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  18. 정신문화연구 v.19 no.2 가정의 근원적 의미 진교훈
  19. 한국가족제도사연구 최재석
  20. 한국노년학 v.14 no.2 성인자녀가 지각하는 노부모와의 결속도 및 갈등에 관한 연구 최정혜
  21. 한국인의 사회지표 통계청
  22. 재가노인복지사업-이론과 실제- 한국노인복지회
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