노인의 일에 대한 주관적인 평가와 자아존중감 간의 관계

A study on Self-esteem and Subjective Evaluations to Work among Elderly Persons

  • 이신숙 (순천대학교 자연과학대학 소비자·가족아동학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.03.01


The purpose of this study was to look into correlations between subjective evaluation on the work and self-esteem of the elderly so as to provide information for finding out ways of developing their self-esteem. The subjects of this study were 318 elderly persons in Chonnam and Kwangju city. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency percentage mean standard deviation reliability stepwise and multiple regression analysis through the SAS package program. the major findings of this study can be summarized as follows; 1) The self-esteem of elderly persons was 25,9 which was above the median 24. 2) According to the results related to subjective evaluations on the work among the elderly the positive correlation was by education level family situation economic state social activity level and health state while the negative correlation was by sex, age, and spouse. 3) According to the results related to subjective evaluations on the work among the elderly the positive correl tion was by worker identity job satisfaction quality of work time. 4) In model 1. variable affecting their self-esteem were health sate education level economic state health state age social activity level and sex. In Model 2, variables affecting their self-esteem were worker identity education level economic state age health state social activity level job satisfaction and sex. Especially self-estee of elderly was highly correlated with subjective evaluations on the work among the elderly persons.



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