Segmentation of Measured Point Data for Reverse Engineering

역공학을 위한 측정점의 영역화

  • 양민양 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ;
  • 이응기 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


In reverse engineering, when a shape containing multi-patched surfaces is digitized, the boundaries of these surfaces should be detected. The objective of this paper is to introduce a computationally efficient segmentation technique for extracting edges, ad partitioning the 3D measuring point data based on the location of the boundaries. The procedure begins with the identification of the edge points. An automatic edge-based approach is developed on the basis of local geometry. A parametric quadric surface approximation method is used to estimate the local surface curvature properties. the least-square approximation scheme minimizes the sum of the squares of the actual euclidean distance between the neighborhood data points and the parametric quadric surface. The surface curvatures and the principal directions are computed from the locally approximated surfaces. Edge points are identified as the curvature extremes, and zero-crossing, which are found from the estimated surface curvatures. After edge points are identified, edge-neighborhood chain-coding algorithm is used for forming boundary curves. The original point set is then broke down into subsets, which meet along the boundaries, by scan line algorithm. All point data are applied to each boundary loops to partition the points to different regions. Experimental results are presented to verify the developed method.



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