On the Virtual Clay Modeling Using a Force Reflecting Haptic Manipulator

반발력을 생성하는 햅틱장비를 이용한 가상의 점토 모델링에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1999.03.01


A deformable non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) based volume is programed for the force reflecting exoskeleton haptic device. In this work, a direct free form deformation (DFFD) technique is applied for the realistic manipulation. In order to implement the real-time deformation, a nodal mapping technique is used to connect points on the virtual object with the NURBS volume. This geometric modeling technique is ideally incorporated with the force reflecting haptic device as a virtual interface. The results in this work introduce details for the complete set-up for the realistic virtual clay modeling task with force feedback. The force reflecting exoskeleton haptic manipulator, coupled with a supporting PUMA 560 manipulator and the virtual clay model are integrated with the graphics display, and results show that the force feedback from the realistic physically based virtual environment can greately enhance the sense of immersion.



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