Region-based H.263 Video Codec with Effective Rate Control Algorithm for Low VBR Video

  • Song, Hwangjun (The author is with the Integrated Multimedia System Center and the Department of Electrical Engineering-Systems, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Reglar Member)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


A region-based video codec based on the H.263+ standard is examined and its associated novel rate control scheme is proposed in this work. The region-based coding scheme is a hybrid method that consists of the traditional block DCT coding and the object-based coding. Basically, we adopt H.263+ as the platform, and develop a fast macroblock-based segmentation method to implement the region-based video codec. The proposed rate control solution includes rate control in three levels: encoding frame selection, frame-layer rate control and macroblock-layer rate control. The goal is to enhance the visual quality of decoded frames at low bit rates. The efficiency of proposed rate control scheme applied to the region-based video codes is demonstrated via several typical test sequences.



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