Analysis of MMPP/M/1 Queue with several homogeneous two-state MMPP sources

여러개의 two-state MMPP 입력을 갖는 대기체계에 대한 계산방법

  • 이계민 (Department of mathematics and statistics, Gyesang National University 정회원) ;
  • 안수한 (Department of statistics, Seoul National University 정회원) ;
  • 전종우 (Department of statistics, Seoul National University 정회원)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


In this paper, we suggest a simple computational algorithm to obtain the queue length distribution in the finite queue, where the input process consists of several homogeneous two-state Markov modulated Poisson processes. With comparison to the conventional algorithm, is more practical, in particular, when a large number of input sources are loaded to the system.



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