분산망 거래관리를 위한 기아현상 극소화 잠금규약

  • 이혜경 (경인여자대학 멀티미디어 정보 전산학부 정회원) ;
  • 김응모 (성균관대하교 전기전자 및 컴퓨터공학부 정회원)
  • Published : 1999.12.01


Traditional syntax-oriented serializability notions are considered to be not enough to handle in particular various types of transaction in terms of duration of execution. To deal with this situation, altruistic locking has attempted to reduce delay effect associated with lock release moment by use of the idea of donation. An improved form of altruism has also been deployed in extended altruistic locking in a way that scope of data to be early released is enlarged to include even data initially not intended to be donated. In this paper, we first of all investigated limitations inherent in both altruistic schemes from the perspective of alleviating starvation occasions for transactions in particular of short-lived nature. The idea of two-way donation locking(2DL) has then been experimented to see the effect of more than single donation in distributed database systems. Simulation experiments shows that 2DL outperforms the conventional two-phase locking in terms of the degree of oncurrency and average transaction waiting time.



  1. Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems P. A. Berstein;V. Hadzilacos;N. Goodman
  2. ACM Transactions on Database Systems v.19 no.1 Altruistic Locking K. Salem;H. Garcia-Molina;J. Shands
  3. Scheme User’s Guide and Language Reference Manual H. Bartley;C. Jensen;W. Oxley
  4. ACM Transactions on Database Systems v.12 no.4 Concurrency Control Performance Modeling: Alternative and Implications R. Agrawal;M. J. Carey;M. Linvy
  5. Simulation Modeling & Analysis(Second Edition) A. Law;W. Kelton
  6. The Statistical Analysis of Simulation Results, Computer Performance Modeling Handbook P. Welch
  7. Introduction to Simulation and SLAMⅡ(Third Edition) A. Pritsker
  8. Performance of Concurrency Control Algorithms for Real-Time Database Systems, Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems J. Lee;S. Son
  9. Performance of Measurement of Concurrency Control Methods in Distributed Database Techniques and Tools for Performance Analysis S. C. Moon;G. G. Belford