A New Method for Integrated End-to-End Delay Analysis in ATM Networks

  • Ng, Joseph Kee-Yin (Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University) ;
  • Song, Shibin (Department of Mathematics, Zhoungshan University) ;
  • Li, Chengzhi (Department of Computer Science, Texas AandM University) ;
  • Zhao, Wei (Department of Computer Science, Texas AandM University)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


For admitting a hard real-time connection to an ATM network, it is required that the end-새둥 delays of cells belong-ing to the connection meet their deadlines without violating the guarantees already provided to the currently active connections. There are two kinds of methods to analyze the end-to-end delay in an ATM network. A decomposed method analyzes the worst case delay for each switch and then computes the total delay as the sum of the delays at individual switches. On the other hand, an integrated method analyzes all the switches involved in an inte-grated manner and derives the total delay directly. In this paper, we present an efficient and effecitive integrated method to compute the end-to-end delay. We evaluate the network performance under different system parameters and we compare the performance of the proposed method with the conventional decomposed and other integrated methods [1], [3], [5]-[9].
