Estimation of Transition Probability on Two Successive Occasions Sampling with Randomized Response Technique

  • Lee, Kay-O (Professor Department of Computer Science and Statistics Korea Air Force Academy)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


A combination procedure of successive occasions sampling and randomized response method is investigated. Randomized response technique is very simple for use in a telephone survey of a sensitive subject. In the suggested randomized response method. the interviewee replies "yes" or "no" to a randomly selected question and the investigator can estimate the proportion of "yes" or "no" answer. When this procedure is used on successive occasions, not only the proportion supporting a candidate and the time change in this supporting proportion can be derived but also the voters' swing in the trend of voters' support can be estimated. A numerical example is given to show how the suggested sampling strategy can be applied to a practical telephone survey.



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