Wekk oriented $Bi_{2} Sr_{2} CaCu_{2} O_{8}$ suppercondcting thick films were fabricared on copper tape by LiReac-PreCu (liquid reaction between a Cu-free precousor and Cu tape) method. Cu-free precursor power which is composed of $Bi_{2}Sr_{2}Ca_{5}$ was printed on a copper tape by screen printing and was heat-treated. The speciment were partially in a molten state at the heat treatment temperature (85$0^{\circ}C$~87$0^{\circ}C$). The heat heat treatments for the reaction were performed in air or low oxygen pressure in several stages. XRD analyses of the resulting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconducting tapes show that the $Bi_{2} Sr_{2} CaCu_{2} O_{8}$ phase is dominant and a small amount of $Bi_{2} Sr_{2} Cu_{2} O_{6}$ phase is detected. Both phases are aligned in the c-axis direction.