An Experimental Study on the Stability of Open-ended Pipe Piles Installed in Deep Sea during the Simulated Seaquake

해진시 심해에 설치된 개단말뚝의 안정성에 관한 모형실험 연구

  • 남문석 (경성대학교 대학원 토목공학과) ;
  • 최용규 (경성대학교 건설·환경공학부)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


It is known from the previous study on the behavior of sharter single pile during simulated seaquake induced by the vertical component of earthquake that the compressive capacity and the soil plugging resistance of single open-ended pipe pile were completely degraded. But, the capacity of single open-ended pipe pile with greater penetration and the capacity of piles group with shorter penetration were expected to be stable after seaquake motion. In this study, first single pile, 2-pile or 4-pile groups with several simulated penetrations were driven into the calibration chamber with saturated fine medium sand and the compressive load test for each installed pile or pile groups was performed. Then, about 95% compressive load of the ultimate capacity was applied on the pile head during the simulated seaquake motion. Finally, to confirm the reduction of pile capacity during the simulated seaquake motion, the compressive load test for each single pile or pile groups after seaquake motion was performed. During the simulated seaquake, compressive capacities of single open-ended pipe pile and piles group installed in shallow sea were not decreased. But, the stability of open-ended pile installed in deep sea was depended on the pile penetration depth. So, single open-ended pile with greater penetration of 27 m was stable, and 2-pile and 4-pile groups with penetration more than 13m were stable. But, 2-pile groups with penetration of 7m was failed, and the compressive capacity of 4-pile groups with penetration of 7m was degraded about 15%.

지진의 연직성분에 의해 유발된 해진시 단일개단말뚝의 거동에 관한 이전의 연구들에서 단일개단말뚝의 지지력은 완전히 감소되었으며 관내토의 폐색도 완전히 파괴된 것으로 밝혀졌다 그러나 개단말뚝이더라도 말뚝의 관입길이가 길 경우 해진에 대하여 말뚝이 안정성을 유지할수 있고 개단강관말뚝일 경우에는 비교적 관입깊이가 짧을 경우에도 해진에 대하여 안정성을 유지할 수있을 것으로 예상된었다 본 연구에서는 초세립질 포화모래지반을 담고 잇는 소형압력토조에 단일개단말뚝 2개 또는 4개의 개단무리말뚝을 관입길이 7-40m로 모델링하여 관입시켰으며 각각의 말뚝에 대하여 압축정재하시험을 실시한후 극한지지력의 약 95%의 압축하중을 재하시킨 상태에서 해진의 진동을 작용시키면서 지지력의 감소를 확인하였고 해진 작용후의 각각의 말뚝에 대하여 압축정재하시험을 실시하였다. 해진시 천해에 설치된 단일개단말뚝과 군말뚝의 지지력은 감소되지 않았다 그러나 심해에 설치된 말뚝의 안정성은 말뚝의 지중관입 깊이에 좌우되었다 즉 27m이상 관입된 단일개단말뚝의 지지력은 안정하였으며 13m이상 관입된 2개 및 4개 군말뚝은 안정하였다 그런 7m 관입된 2개 군말뚝은 파괴되었으며 7m 관입된 4개 군말뚝의 지지력은 15%만큰 저감되었다.



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