- US Patent 3069654 Method and Means for Recognising Complex Patterns P.V.C.Hough
- Communications of the ACM v.15 Use of the Hough Transformation to Detect Lines and Curves in Picture P.E.Hart;R.O.Duda
- Pattern Recognition v.13 Generalizing the Hough transform to detect arbitrary shapes D.H.Ballard
- Image and vision computing Detecting partially occluded ellipses using the Hougn transform H.K.Yuen;J.Illingworth;J.Kittler
- Technical Report-The Hough Transform versus the Up Write R.A.M.Claughlin;M.D.Alder
- IEEE Trans.comput v.C-27 no.8 Detection of ellipses by a modified Hough Transformation S.Tsuji;F.Matsumoto
- SPIE Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Robotic systems v.5 no.10 Polar Exponential Sensor Arrays Unify Iconic and Hough Space Representation Carl F. R. Weiman
- Proceeding of the 1998 IEEE/RSJ, Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Fast Mapping using the Log-Hough Transformation B.Giesler;R.Graf;R.Dillmann;C.F.R.Weiman
- phase ISBIR final report, NSF award No. III-9361990. Technical report Application of Log Hough Transform to Lidar navigation Carl F. R. Weiman