대학 캠퍼스 공간구조 유형에 관한 연구

A Study on the Pattern of Spatial Structure in University Campus

  • 발행 : 1999.01.01


This study is about the pattern of spatial structures of major university campuses in Korea. The pattern is composed of buildings, circulation, and open space within the campus. It is physical structural system which makes campus more educational environment as well as new academic landscape. The pattern is checked on the basis of existing sub-patterns of eleven universities with base data by using computer program, Autocad and Landcadd. The result is that most of campus spatial structures consists of simple and unified grid pattern. Basic educational facilities are at the center of the whole structure as well. Some universities are located in suburb and have large site which makes it more open space oriented pattern, more various exterior space and more specific circulation system. So the campus patterns of recently built is more diverse and has more design components. In most cases, campus does not have strong spatial coherence among its buildings, circulation, and open space. It is important to develop Korean formal campus spatial structure which is intrinsic to its site and is proper to its academic plan. Campus spatial structure should be formulated to embrace diverse demands of university and to accumulate unique university landscape.



  1. 전국대학통계 교육부
  2. 동의대산업기술대학원 석사학위논문 대학 캠퍼스 계획의 특성과 변화양상에 관한 연구: 대학 캠퍼스 배치계획을 중심으로 김길배
  3. 단지계획 김철수
  4. 한국공간구조론 김형국
  5. 실존, 공간, 건축 노베르그 슐츠;김광현
  6. 도시설계론 데이비드 고스링;베리 메이랜드;박철수(역)
  7. 도시공간 디자인의 이론, 역사 방법론 로저 트랜싯;이주업(역)
  8. 한양대 산업대학원 석사학위논문 대학 캠퍼스 마스터플랜을 위한 계획과정의 비교연구 민병곤
  9. 조경학 사이몬;신정균(외 3인역)
  10. 한국 건축의 외부공간 안영배
  11. 건축의 외부공간 요시노부 아시하라;김창동(역)
  12. 도시계획 윤정섭
  13. 한양대학원 석사학위논문 대학캠퍼스체계의 변천특성에 관한 연구 이정엽
  14. 공간과 장소 이푸투윈;정영길(역)
  15. 경관분석론 임승빈
  16. 대한건축학회논문집 v.11 대학 캠퍼스 마스터플랜 계획기법의 개념 및 연결작업에 관한 연구 정재욱
  17. 조경계획론 한국조경학회
  18. Urban Design: American Experience Jon Lang
  19. Good City Form Kevin Lynch
  20. Campus & Community. Moore Ruble Yudell Architecture & Planning Oscar Riera Ojeda;James Mary O'Connor;Wendy Kohn
  21. Urban Pattern(Sixth Edition) Simon Eisner
  22. The Visual and Spatial Structure of Landscapes Tadahiko Higuchi
  23. Centers for the Urban Enviroment: Survival of the Cities Victor Gruen