경관영향평가 기법을 통한 댐건설에 대한 경관영향평가

The Visual Impact Assessment in Dam Construction Using Visual Impact Assessment Method

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The purpose of this study was to suggest a case study and anlaysis of the visual impact in dam construction through visual impact assessment method in Dong-sang river. The results can be summarized as follows; 1) For the evaluation of the visual impact of dam construction, five steps such as field analysis of visual status, finding visual sensitivity area and visual control point, making visual simulation material and evaluation, and visual impact analysis and assessment were suggested as desirable. 2) In the case study, the visual impact of dam construction was evaluated to be simple, unique, modern, static, cool and unfamiliar. 3) There was a few difference between the pre-construction and post-construction in statistical test. Especially, The dam in Man-Jee area was evaluated to be artificial, unique and destroyed in statistical difference, and then we design dam structure with visual friendliness. 4) In conclusion, there was high correlation between pre-construction landscape and post-construction landscape through semantic differential scale method using eleven adjectives. Therefore, we state that there is no visual impact for the dam construction for the moment.



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