조경드로잉의 변천과 의미에 관한 연구

A Study on the Transformation and Meaning of Landscape Architectural Drawing

  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


The purpose of this study is to trace historical changes and to show broad spectrums in landscape architectural drawing. Drawing has been both a locus of interpreting a site and a vehicle of imagining the new landscape. The designed landscape might be influenced by the way to draw in landscape design. Despite of its importance, landscape architectural drawing has rarely been discussed. Here, the drawing will be understood as theoretical issues and texts for criticism. Recently, the drawing has primarily been recognized in functional and instrumental ways. The stereotypes office drawings such as plan, section, perspective, axonometric are typical examples. Its symbolic and metaphoric dimensions have been seriously diminished. As a result, the poetic power in the designed landscape might be devastated. Composite drawing, notation are the alternative drawings to overcome the above mentioned dilemma along with the adaption of collage and photomontage. Finally, I would argue that landscape architectural drawing can be a creative tool to elicit the idea and to reveal the trace of memory. It could be also a poetic locus to postulating the vision. Designers should utilize both traditional drawing and experimental drawing in order to reconcile the instrumental representation with the symbolic representation.



  1. 한국조경학회지 v.26 no.4 환경설계에서 경관드로잉의 의미와 방법론에 관한 연구 변우일
  2. Robert Burle Marx: The Unnatural Art of the Garden Adams, W. H.
  3. The Split and the Structure Arnheim, R.
  4. Gardens on Papr Clayton, V. T.
  5. Landscape Architecture Projection and Disclosure in Drawing Corner, J.
  6. Representation and Landscape : Drawing and Making in the Landscape Medium v.8 no.3 Corner, J.
  7. AA Files v.12 Translations form Drawing and Building Evans, R.
  8. Envisioning Architecture: An Analysis of Drawing Fraser, I.;R. Henmi
  9. Sketchbooks of Lawrence Halprin Halprin, L.
  10. Lawrence Halprin : Changing Places Halprin, L.
  11. Nashiville Gardens of Illusion Hazlehurst, H.
  12. William Kent: Landscape Garden Designer Hunt, J. D.
  13. Capability Brown and Hyumphry Repton Hyams, E.
  14. Transforming the Common Place Olin, L.
  15. Pencil Point Freedom in the Garden Rose, J.
  16. Artificial Landscapes : The Case of Humphry Repton Ponte, A.
  17. Green Architecture and the Agrarian Garden Solomon, B. S.
  18. Garrett Eckbo·Modern Landscape for Living Treib, M.;D. Imbert
  19. European Gardens : An Historical Atlas Vercelloni, V.
  20. Unnatural Horizons Weiss, A.
  21. Implementing Architecture Representation and/or the Making of Form Zambonini, G.;R. Miller(ed.)