시간과 공간의 단일화를 통한 효율적 시공간 색인

An Efficient Spatiotemporal Index Unifying Temporal and Spatial Dimensions

  • 신예호 (충북대학교 컴퓨터학과) ;
  • 김동호 (한국전자통신연구원 정보화기술연구본부 연구원) ;
  • 류근호 (충북대학교 컴퓨터학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


시공간 데이타베이스는 현실세계의 객체에 대하여 효율적인 공간 관리와 이력 관리를 지원한다. 이러한 시공간 데이타베이스는 시간차원과 공간차원이라는 이질적 데이타 공간을 관리하여야 하는 대단히 복잡한 시스템이다. 따라서 데이타에 대한 효율적 접근 방법에 대한 연구가 필수적이며, 이는 효율적 색인 기법의 개발을 통하여 이룰 수 있다. 그러나 시공간 데이타에 대한 접근방법 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않고 있으며 극소수의 사례들마저도 공간 객체의 이력 개념을 지원하는 것이 아니라 멀티미디어 객체의 상대적 시간만을 지원하고 있다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 공간 데이타의 이력을 표현하는 시공간 데이타에 대하여 효율적으로 색인하기 위한 방안으로서 시간과 공간을 단일화된 색인 영역으로 통합하는 단일화된 시공간 색인 모델을 제시하고, 이를 기존의 R-트리를 기반으로 확장한 색인을 설계 및 구현하였으며, 아울러 다양한 유형의 시공간 연산에 대한 색인의 성능을 평가하였다.Abstract Spatiotemporal databases are able to support an efficient spatial management as well as historical management for an object in the real world. It is very complex to manage these two dimensions why there exists on difference of inborn property of temporal and spatial dimensions. Therefore an efficient access method should be studied, and it can be done by means of development of efficient indexing technology.However, there is a few related work in the research of access methods of spatiotemporal data. Also the previous works do not support the concept of history for spatial object, and only support the relative time among multimedia objects. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a unified Spatiotemporal index model as an efficient index for Spatiotemporal data. And we not only design Spatiotemporal index that has been extended to historical management facility on the basis of conventional R-tree, but also implement it. Finally we have evaluated performance of index for the various kinds of Spatiotemporal operations.



  1. Proceedings of The 23th KISS Fall Conference Spatiotemporal Data Model Kim,D.H.;Nam,K.W.;Ryu,K.H.
  2. International Symposium on Spatial Data Handing An Integrated Database Design for Temporal GIS Peuquet,D.;Qian,L.
  3. International Symposium on Spartial Data Handling Toward Semantics for Modeling Spatio-temporal Processes within GIS Claramunt,C.H;Theriault,M.
  4. Computer Journal v.37 no.1 A unified model of spartial and temporal information Worboys,M.
  5. Proceedings of th 3rd IEEE Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems Spatio-Temporal Indexing for Large Multimedia Application Theodoridis,Y.;Varzigiannis,M.;Sellis,T.
  6. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Temporal Databases Access Methods for BiTemporal Databases Kumar,A.;Tsotras,V.;Faloutsos,C.
  7. Proceedings of The 22th KISS Spring Conference The C-Tree:supporting Transaction Time and Valid Time in Temporal Databases using composite timestamp Lee,S.J.;Kim,D.H.;Ryu,K.H.
  8. Proceedings of The 6th KIPS Spring Conference Design the Temporal Index structure for the Temporal Databases Jeon,K.W.;Ryu,K.H.
  9. Temporal Database;Theory Design and Implementation The Time Index and the Monotonic B+-Tree Elmasri,R.;Wuu,G.;Kouramajian,V.
  10. Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD R-Trees:A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching Guttman,A.
  11. Proceedings of The 7th KIPS Fall Conference Efficient Spatiotemporal Indexing Strategies Shin,Y.H.;Nam,K.W.;Kim,D.H.;Ryu,K.H.
  12. Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering. The Historical Relational Data Model(HRDM) and Algebra Based on Lifespan Clifford,J.;Croker,A.
  13. ACM Transactions on Database Systems v.13 no.4 A Homogeneous Relational Model and Query Languages for Temporal Databases Gadia,S.
  14. Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Annual Conference on Management of Data Logical Modeling of Temporal Data Segev,A.;Shoshani,A.
  15. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering v.3 no.4 International Implementation Model for Relational Databases with Transaction Time Jensen,C.;Mark,L.;Roussopoulos,R.
  16. Proceedings of the Conference on VLDB The Design of the POSTGRASS Storage System Stonebraker,M.
  17. Technical Report TR-92-02 A Seamless Generic Extension of SQL for Querying Temporal Data Gadia,S.
  18. The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language The TSQL2 Data Model Jensen,C.;Snodgrass,R.;Soo,M.
  19. TR-8 A Timecenter Technical Report Transitioning Temporal Support in TSQL2 to SQL3 Snodgrass,R.;Bohlen,M.;Jensen,C.;Steiner,A.
  20. ACM SIGMOD Record v.23 no.1 A Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts Jensen,C.;Cliffrod,J.;Elmasri,R.;Gadia,S.;Hayes,P.;Jajodia,S.
  21. The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language The Data model for Times Dyreson,C.E.;Soo,M.D.;Snodgress,R.T.
  22. Master Thesis A Study on Time Intermiate Problem for Temporal Databases Shin,M.S.