적응순향 제어(ACC) 차량의 제어 알고리즘 및 실시간 수치실험 프로그램 개발

Development of Control Algorithm and Real Time Numerical Simulation Program for Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles

  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is one of key features on intelligent Transportation System(ITS). In ACC, the steering is done by a driver, but the engine throttle valve and the brake are controlled electronically. The relative velocity and distance from the preceeding vehicle are measured by radars or image processing units and relevant vehicular spacing is maintained in ACC control systems. In this study, vehicle longitudinal dynamics are modeled to simulate vehicle longitudinal maneuver and to design longtitudinal controllers for ACC vehicles. The control algorithm is designed based on the modeled vehicle longitudinal dynamics using a non-linear sliding mode control method. To verity the performance of the control algorithm, a real time numerical simulation program is developed on a Silicon Graphics workstation using C-language . A real time graphic program is alos develpe and integrated with the numerical simulation program.



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