뭉툭맵시벌아과(벌목:맵시벌과)의 동물지리학적 분석

Zoogeographic Analysis on the Subfamily Tryphoninae (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae)

  • 발행 : 1999.04.01


동물지리학적 분석결과 한국산 종들의 분포 양상을 보면 Holarctic(9.6%), Transpalearctic(38.4%), Transpalearctic-Oriental(8.2%), Eastern Palearctic(Trans-Far East Asia)-Oriental(4.1%), Eastern Palearctic(17.8%)과 Endemic(21.9%)으로 나타났다. 한국산 뭉툭맵시벌아과는 구북계에서 종들과 고유종의 분포가 많은 것으로 보아 북반구에서 도래한 것으로 여겨진다. 뭉툭맵시벌아과의 가장 오래된 화석종은 Catachora minor Townes, Urotrophon Pusillus Townes 등 2종이다. 뭉툭맵시벌아과의 전세계의 분포는 대륙이동과 거의 유사하게 이루어 졌다고 여겨진다.

According to zoogeographic analysis, distribution types of Korean species of the subfamily Tryphoninae are as follows; Holarctic species (9.6%), Transpalearctic (38.4%), Transpalearctic-Oriental (8.2%), Eastern Palearctic (Trans-Far East Asia)-Oriental (4.1 %), Eastern Palearctic (17.8%) and Endemic (21.9%). Because of large numbers of palearctic and endemic species, we believe that the Korean Tryphoninae may have originated from northern hemisphere. The oldest fossil species of the Tryphoninae are the Catachoru rninor Townes and Urotryphon pusillus Townes in Creataceous amber from the peninsula Taimyr, Siberia. The world-wide distribution of the Tryphoninae appears to coincide with the continental movement.
