Distribution of Anchovy School Catched by the Lift Net and Environmental factors in the Kamak Bay 2. Relation between Distribution of Anchovy school and Chlorophyll-a

가막만에서의 멸치 들망 어장의 분포.이동과 환경 요인과의 관계 2. 기초생산자의 출현과 어군의 분포

  • Published : 1999.11.01


In order to investigate the properties in distribution and movement of anchovy school catches by the lift net in the Kamak bay and their relation to the environmental factors, I. e., the amount of chlorophyll-a and turbidity were observed from June to August in 1997 and compared with the catch of anchovy by the lift net. The results obtained are summarized as follows;1) The amount of chlorophyll-a ranged from 4.0 to 12.0 mg/$m^3$ on July and from 3.0 to 15.0 mg/$m^3$ on August in horizontal distribution, the amount of chlorophyll-a ranged from 3.0 to 8.0mg/$m^3$ on June, from 5.5 to 11.6 mg/㎥ on July, and from 6.0 to 11.1 mg/$m^3$ on July and from 1.0 to 6.0ppm on August, respectively. 2) Anchovy school can be presurmed, they are come from north of bay, visited and distributed through east of bay at the middle of June. Moreover, they spreaded in all bay. Then gradually, when July arrive, they go to the south the nearest the coasts, and they are outflow through the south entrance of bay at the end of August.3) The catch of anchovy was highest on July, poor second on August, and lowest on June. The chlorophyll-a and the turbidity influenced remarkably on the distribution and movement of anchovy school and the influence of chlorophyll-a was alrgest.



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