타우린복용이 정상 성인여성의 혈장 유리아미노산 농도 및 소변내 배설에 미치는 영향

Effects of Oral Taurine Supplementation on Plasma Concentration and Urinary Excretion of Free Amino Acids in Healthy Female Adults

  • 차희숙 (연세대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.03.01


Effects of oral taurine supplementation (6g/day) on plasma concentration and urinary of free amino acids were evaluated in healthy female adults. Among twenty five female volunteers(23.6$\pm$0.3 years old) participated in the taurine supplementation program, twenty four subjects successfully completed the two supplementation program. Plasma and urinary levels of free amino acids were determined by using an automated amino acid analyzer based on ion-exchange chromatography. Two weeks of taurine supplementation resulted in a 65% increase in plasma taurine concentration (p<0.001), Changes in fasting plasma amino acid concentrations followed by taurine supplementation were not spectacular, and were all within the normal range for human aldults. Taurine supplementation significantly elevated urinary methionine, asparagine, hydorxyproline and phosphoserine excretions(31~280%), and significantly decreased the urinary excretions of isoleucine, glutamate and serine compared to the values prior to taurine supplementation. For almost every individual amino acids, 24 hr urinary excretion level was significantly correlated to the urinary excretion value expressed as nmol/mg creatinine(p<0.001). A significant negative correlation found between plasma glutamine concentration and urinary glutamine excretion level suggests that the decrease in plasma glutamine concentration might be associated with the enhanced glutamine excretion in urine followed by taurine supplementation.



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