- Estuar. Coast. Mar. Sci. v.5 The effect of temperature change on the development of Urechis caupo Fisher and MacGinitie 1928 (Echiuroidea) Akesson, T.R.
- Biol. Bull. Mar. Biol. Lab., Hoods Hole v.167 Ionic control to settlement and metamorphosis in larval Haliotis sufescens (Gastropoda) Baloun, A.J.;D.E. Morse
- Mar. Biol. v.18 The toxicity of heavy metals to embroys of the American oyster Crassostrea virginica Calabrese, A.;R.S. Collier;D.A. Nelson;J.R. Maclnnes
- J. Shellfish Res. v.15 Effects of hyphomonas PM-1 biofilms on the toxicity of copper and zinc to Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea virginica larval set Chang, E.Y.;S.I. Coon;M. Walch;R. Weiner
- J. Ins. Basic Sci. (Yosu Nat Univ.) v.1 Discovery of withering syndrome among abalone, Haliotis discus hannai from the south coast of Korea Choi, S.D.;J. Kim
- Bull. Yosu. Nat'l. Univ. v.13 Antiparasitical Effect of Chitosan to Scuticociliatids Causing Withering Syndrome among Abalone, Haliotis discus hannai at Dolsan Island, Korea Choi, S.D.;W.K. Lee
- J. Aquacult. v.11 Shell Weakening in Cultured Abalone, Haliotis discus hannai by a boring alga Mastigocoleus sp.(Cyanophyte) Choi, S.D.;J.T. Youn;Y.C. Jo
- Phil. Trans. R. Soc.(Ser. B) v.228 The development of Haliotis tuberculata with special reference to organogenesis during torsion Crofts, D.R.
- Mar. Biol. v.101 Sublethal effects of zinc and municipal effluents on larvae of the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens Hunt, J.W.;B.S. Anderson
- Science v.196 Hydrogen peroxide induces spawning in mollusks, with activation of prostagland in endoperoxide synthetase Morse, D.E.;H. Duncan;N. Hooker;A. Morse
- Limnology and Oceanography v.17 A pH-dependent modal for the chemical speciation of copper, zinc, cadmium, and lead in sea-water Zirino, A.;S. Yamamoto
- 淺海養殖 柳晟圭
- 전복양식워크숍 경제난 극복을 위한 전략양식 육성 전임기;한석중;이해영;최상덕;양길호
- 海洋環境公定試驗方法 해양수산부
- 東北水硏報 v.43 アワビ 足蹠粘液上物質によるエゾアワビ被面子幼生の着底誘起 菊地富夫;淨永久
- 東北水硏報 v.43 アワビ 足蹠粘液上物質によるエゾアワビ被面子幼生の着底誘起 關哲夫;管野上
- 東北水硏報 v.33 アワビ屬の採卵技術に關する年報. 第2報, 紫外線照射海水の産卵誘發效果 菊地富夫;淨永久
- 原色韓國貝類圖鑑 權俉吉;朴甲萬;李後相
- 北海道水試月報 v.31 エゾアワビ(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)の周年採卵方法について 西川信良;小原昭雄;伊藤義三
- 栽培技硏 v.10 過酸化水素によるクロアワビの産卵誘發效果 二鳥賢二
- 東海水硏報 v.96 過酸化水素添加の産卵誘發 田中彌太郞
- 日本水産學會誌 v.39 神經節懸獨液によるエゾアワビの放卵誘起 八幡剛浩