부산지역 초등학교 급식소의 잔식 관리에 관한 연구

A Study on the Management of Food Waste in Elementary School Foodservices

  • 김소희 (동주대학 식품영양과 및 환경보건연구소)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Food waste in school foodservices is an important factors in managing expense and in evaluating the acceptance of served meals. This study was undertaken to investigate the management of food waste and the opinion of dietitians in one hundred fourty nine elementary school foodservices, in Pusan, Korea. When serving places were compared, the classroom generated more leftover and plate waste than those of lunchroom(p<0.05). In rank for generating raw waste, the residue from vegetables was the highest in first order. Fruit, eggs, fish, and shell fish also left the most raw waste, respectively, in descending order. The residue that generated the most plate waste in the first and the second order was from soup and pot stew, and vegatables side dishes, respectively. The treatment process of food waste which was the most common in school foodservices was the fertilization by processing machine in order to make recyclable fertilizer(52.1%). Food waste at 30.8% of foodservices was processed for live stock feed. At 92.3% of investigated foodservices, food waste water was drained through a round net basket. Before treating as a waste, food residue was recycled at only 41.9% of foodservices. The main utilization of food residue was the production of soap from used oil. Most dietitians in school foodservices recognized that treating food waste was not so inconvenient, although, the problems of odor and hygiene were not solved. They also thought that the liquid residue(54.1%) and oil(30.4%) among food waste were primarily responsible for resulting environmental pollution.



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